Night Out

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Riley's POV

"What should we do tonight?" Maya asks as she lies on my bed while I sit at my desk working on homework.

"Um homework" I laugh as I look down at the work in front of me.

"No" Maya whines. "I wanna go do something. We always just sit in our dorm. Lets go do something" she insists.

"What do you wanna do?" I ask her. "We're nineteen it's not like we have a ton of options."

"Don't worry about it. Just get dressed in something" she stops, looking for the right word. "Skimpy" she says finally making me furrow my eyebrows.

"Peaches you know who you're dating right?" I check. "I don't think I own anything skimpy."

"Just get dressed" she urges me. I roll my eyes as I get out of my chair and go over to my closet. I pick out a dress and grab a lace strapless bra abd thong from my dresser before going to the bathroom to change. As I step out of the stall I walk over to the mirror and do a double take. The girl in the mirror looks nothing like me.

I head back to my room and pull open the door to find Maya bending over her bed to grab something. "Ehm" I clear my throat making her stand up and spin to face me. Her eyes widen and her jaw hits the ground as she looks at me.

"What are you wearing?" she asks, her voice oddly squeaky.

"Do you not like it?" I ask worriedly as I look down at my dress, running my hands down the fabric.

"Um that's definitely not what I was gonna say" she shakes her head. "Where have you been hiding that?"

I look down at the dress and a blush rises on my cheeks. It was dark red, had a sweetheart neckline, and fell to my mid thigh. "It was just in my closet" I shrug.

"Just in your closet?" she gapes. "Maybe we should stay home."

I giggle as I wander over to her. "You wanted to go out so we're going out" I say decisively.

"Let's go" she grabs my hand and pulls me out of the room.


"What can I get you ladies?" the bartender asks.

"Um I'll take a beer" Maya orders, "and my girlfriend will have a sex on the beach" she orders.  He gives us our drinks and we lean against the bar.

"Are we gonna dance?" I ask Maya curiously.

"Do you wanna dance?" she smirks.

"Maybe" I blush. She takes my hand and pulls me out on the dance floor with her. She grabs my hips and pulls my body against hers making me gasp.

"Relax Riles" she giggles as she kisses the soft spot below my ear. Her hands lock on my hips as I begin to grind against her. I get lost in the music, enjoying being with my girl when suddenly Maya stops moving behind me.

"Babe what's wrong?" I ask worriedly as I turn around to face her.

"That guy" she says, pointing to a guy leaning against the bar and staring at me.

"What about him?" I ask confused.

"He's staring at you" she argues. "He's looking at you like he can't wait to take you home and have his way with you."

"So?" I ask with a laugh. "He's not my type" I remind her as I grab her hand and pull her against me. "And I'll prove it to him" I whisper as I crash my lips onto hers. I deepen the kiss immediately and pull her as close to me as possible. "You ready to go home?" I whisper as we pull apart.

"Definitely" she breathes out making me smile as I grab her hand and pull her out of the club.

"We should've just stayed home" Maya says making me chuckle.

"It was your idea" I remind her playfully.

"Next time just put on that dress and I'll be reminded why we never need to leave our dorm" she laughs as she pulls me against her.

"Or I could take the dress off" I smirk.

"Seriously. We are never leaving our room again" she insists making me chuckle as we flag down a cab. "Let's go home babe" she smiles.

"Let's" I agree.

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