Love Between the Lines

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*Inspired By: You Are In Love by Taylor Swift*

A/N: Sorry there's no video for this one....Taylor Swift is insane with her copyright stuff so there's no Youtube link 😑


Riley's POV

"You can hear it in the silence"

"What should we do tonight?" Maya asks as she plops down on my bed in our dorm room. We had separate beds though it was kinda silly since we've been dating sine freshman year and we usually spent the night in one bed or another.

"I don't care. I just want to be with you" I reply with a smile looking lovingly at my girlfriend of a little over a year.

"You're sweet and in that case I think we should go see a movie" she suggests as she looks up at me.

"Okay. What movie should we see?" I ask curiously as she shrugs.

"Does it matter?" she asks as a chuckle escapes my lip.

"Of course not" I reply happily as I lean down to kiss her. "Let's go Peaches."


We buy our tickets and find out seats, our fingers intertwining as we sit side by side. The movie starts as we relax into our seats. The two of us don't say a word throughout the whole movie, our only interaction is through squeezing one another's hands during certain parts of the movie.

I can't stop looking over at her as we watch the movie, her face twisting into various expressions as the movie rolls on. I knew every expression well, I figured it was a part of falling in love with someone.

Even in the complete silence around us that one thought keeps racing through my mind.

I am in love with Maya Hart.

"You can feel it on the way home"

After the movie ends we climb into the car, turning on the radio so we can jam out. An old song that we listened to all the time when we were kids blares from the speakers making Maya turn it up as we giggle and sing along to every single word. Our off key singing and laughter surrounding us.

When we stop at a red light we get a dirty look from the person in the car beside us causing Maya and I to share an amused smile. We didn't care one bit what other people thought, we were young and in love and nothing else mattered.

"You can see it with the lights out"

We decide to bunk in Maya's bed tonight, my body pressed against hers as she sleeps beside me. Of course I can't sleep because my mind is racing. I wanted to tell Maya I loved her, I just didn't know how.

I listen to her breathing behind me, her chest rising and falling in perfect pace with mine. Her arms are wrapped around my waist and her long blonde hair is sprawled out on the pillow. Everything about the arrangement was so familiar at this point, so unbelievably routine but perfect.

"Riles your thinking is keeping me awake" Maya complains making me giggle as I turn around to face her.

"Sorry Peaches" I apologize as I lean forward to press a soft kiss to her lips, making a decision in the second we pull apart.

"You are in love"

"I love you" I say softly as our lips break apart, my eyes searching hers hopefully.

"I love you too" she says immediately making my heart swell. "Is that why you couldn't sleep?" she asks as I nod making her smile as she presses her lips to mine again. "You're so silly honey" she adds with a laugh as we pull apart.

"I was afraid you weren't gonna say it back" I confess making her roll her eyes playfully.

"I'll always say it back Riles. I love you."

"I love you too" I whisper before we both finally drift off to sleep.

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