In the Dark

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Riley's POV

"This is practically kidnapping" I complain as Maya and Lucas keep me trapped between them. We were in line for the haunted house and I had already tried to make a run for it twice only to be caught by Lucas.

"It's not kidnapping" Maya laughs, shaking her head. "Honey you're beimg dramatic."

"I don't like scary things" I protest. "I've told you this a million times."

"Riles it'll be fine. Just remember it's all fake" Lucas says as our turn comes up in line. Maya pays my way while Lucas pays for his own ticket.

We move towards the house and my heartbeat speeds up in terror. I hated haunted houses, Maya only got me here because she lied and told me we were going out on a date for our anniversary. "What if I just wait out here while you and Lucas go?" I suggest as I take a steo backwards.

"No" Maya shakes her head. "I want to go with you" she insists as she grabs my hand and pulls me towards her. "Come on honey. It'll be fun. I promise." I sigh, looking up at the large house. There were loud, scary noises coming from inside along with strobe lights and and fog.

"Next" the man working the door shouts. Maya takes my hand and pulls me forward. The man goes over the rules. No running. No attacking the actors. Don't touch. Blah blah blah. "Have fun" he smirks as he opens the door and ushers us inside.

We start to make our way inside wen suddenly a clown appears out of nowhere causing me to scream in terror as I cling to Maya. She giggles as she pulls me tighter. "Relax honey" she murmurs. I take a deep breath and continue to follow her through the room.

Random things continue to pop out of nowhere and people are hiding behind every corner. I yelp and scream at every turn, digging my nails into Maya's arm.

We end up in a traffic jam with two other groups towards the end and a girl looking for her mom bumps into me causing me to let go of Maya for a split second. Unfortunately that's all it takes for her to disappear. In the dark it's hard to see and suddenly I'm all alone.

I try to take a deep breath but I can't seem to get enough air. My head feels light and I begin to panic. I look around frantically while tears begin falling from my eyes. "Maya" I shout loudly as I wander towards the exit. "Maya" I shout again.

I'm hyperventilating at this point and I spot one of the actors walking towards me. "Hey" she says politely. "You okay?"

I shake my head and she gives me a sympathetic smile. "Abort" she shouts loudly. Suddenly all the lights go up and it's easy to see that the house is literally just a house full of gimmicks. "Who are you looking for?" she asks curiously.

"My girlfriend Maya" I reply. She nods in understanding before disappearing. About a minute later she returns with Maya in tow.

"Honey what happened?" Maya asks as she rushes towards me, throwing her arms around me. "Lucas and I lost you."

"I know" I sniffle. "Can we go?" She nods, thanks the worker and leads me out. We say our goodbyes to Lucas before she leads me to the car.

She starts up the engine and pulls out into traffic before I speak. "I told yoh I didn't want to go."

She nods. "I know. I honestly thought that once you got inside you'd have fun" she says seriously. "I'm sorry" she adds as she takes my hand in hers.

"I know" I sigh. "I just think we should stick to scary movies. At least we can't get separated and I can just hide at the scary parts" I add making her chuckle as she nods her head.

"I think you're right. But I think you've been scared enough tonight. Wanna go home and watch a Disney movie?"

I nod happily. "I'd love that."


A/N: The first two chapters of my teen fiction, The Deal are up now 😊 If you go read leave a crown emoji in the comments so I know you came from here 👑

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