Closeted Love

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Maya's POV

There are a lot of things I've done in my life that scared me but none could compare with how scary it was to come out.

My mom was shocked but supportive while Shawn immediately asked me if Riley and I had finally admitted that we were in love with each other...of course I said no but...

"Maya" Riley giggles as my lips travel down her neck. "Peaches my parents are gonna be home soon" she reminds me while my hands are busy unfastening her jeans.

"So?" I ask, bringing my lips back up to hers. She sighs, pushing back on my chest.

"Two things. I don't want my parents to walk in on us having sex and two I don't want them to walk in on us having sex."

This was why no one could know that Riley and I were dating; she refused to come out to her parents and while it was understandable for about a year or so, now I was getting impatient.

"Riley they won't care that we're together" I argue but she shakes her head, climbing off her bed.

"Maya I'm not having this argument again. They can't know."

"Can they ever know?" I ask angrily. "Because we've been dating for almost three years and screwing for half of them so could I maybe get a ballpark estimate of when you see fit to tell your parents because I thought it should've been around when we said I love you, or our first time, or-."

"I get it Maya" she snaps. "I'm not ready okay? And it's not fair of you to push me out of the closet."

She was right. It wasn't fair but neither was what she was doing to me.

"You're right" I admit causing her eyes to widen in shock. "But honey what you're doing isn't fair to either of us. I know it's scary but this is who you are. We love each other the way we're supposed to love boys and it's okay" I add carefully as I stand up and pull her towards me. "Your mom and dad aren't going to see you any different."

"You don't know that" she insists, shaking her head. "I think you should go" she adds softly causing my eyes to widen in shock.


"Maya" she snips. "Please go" she adds pleadingly.

I take one last look at her before grabbing my leather jacket and pulling it on. I take the steps two at a time and feel tears pooling in my eyes as the front door opens and Josh stands on the threshold.

"Gorgeous? Woah what's going on?" he asks, stopping me from leaving. I shake my head as I fall into his arms.

"I can't keep doing this" I whisper as his arms come around me.

"What happened sweetheart?"

I cry harder, clutching his shirt. "I just wanna go home."

"Okay" he nods, reaching into his pocket and grabbing his keys. "I'll drive."

~ 💕💘💕 ~

When Josh stumbled upon Riley and I's secret a few months ago she was terrified of him telling everyone but he didn't and now he was one of my best that knew everything.

"Same shit, different day?" Josh questions as he drives. He knew the route to my house like the back of his hand seeing as though he was the only shoulder I had to cry on when Riley and I fought.

"She still won't tell them" I reply in frustration. "I know that she has to come out in her own time but" I trail off.

"It's not fair to be in a relationship with you Maya. Not if she's not ready. You've been sneaking around for three years. It's not crazy that you're getting impatient."


He laughs, glancing over at me. "Maya you gotta stop making excuses for my niece. I know you love her but" he shrugs. "Maybe it's time to end it."

I sigh, leaning my head against the window and watching the blooming trees blur as we zoom past.

When we pull up my house I spot a bouncy brunette on my porch and my eyes widen. "Is that Riley?" Josh questions.

"How'd she beat us here?"

Josh shrugs while a soft smile tugs at his lips. "I may have taken the scenic route."

I bring my bottom lip between my teeth as I look back up towards my girlfriend. I take a deep breath and grab the handle on the door. I step out and slowly walk up to where Riley is sitting.

"What are you doing here?" I ask, crossing my arms over my chest.

"I told them" she whispers making my eyes widen. "They found me crying when they got home and I-I told them."

I want to move but I'm practically glued in place. "What did they say?" I ask softly, my voice stolen in fear.

She laughs, glancing up at me. "My mom asked me if I really thought it was a secret" she admits. I crack a smile as she breaks into a fit of giggles. "They already knew!"

I laugh, taking a seat beside her. "So, they weren't mad?"

"No they were pissed" she argues. "But they were upset that I felt that I couldn't tell them. They were totally supportive...just like you said they would be" she adds softly, looking up at me. "Peaches I am so sorry that it took me so long. It wasn't like I didn't want them to know I was just-I was scared. I'm sorry."

I shake my head, taking her hand in mine. "You don't have to be sorry honey. I'm sorry I pushed. I love you" I add making her smile widen.

"I love you too" she murmurs, leaning in and pressing her lips to mine and for the first time it feels like we're really, truly free.

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