Hiding Feelings

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Riley's POV

I had never noticed how heavy the diamond ring on my finger was until I met her. I had never questioned my sexuality or thought that maybe Lucas wasn't my soulmate until I met her but she changed everything. 

She was so comfortable in who she was, talking openly about her hook-ups during office gossip at lunch and never apologizing for making someone uncomfortable. She was incredible.

It was our annual office Christmas party and I was leaning against the wall while she talked my ear off about some girl she had brought home last weekend but the entire time I couldn't help but wonder what it was like to be with a girl and not just any girl but her specifically. She had much more experience than me that was for sure but I could learn. 

"Riley are you even listening?" she laughs, waving her hand in front of my face. 

"Hm, oh sorry Maya" I apologize, my cheeks burning red. "I was uh thinking about something else." Her eyebrows knit together in confusion. 

"Thinking about what?" she asks curiously. "Does Huckleberry have you stressed with wedding plans again?" she asks, crossing her arms across her chest giving herself a little lift that catches my eyes immediately. "Riles!"

"Can we talk?" I ask abruptly, lifting my eyes back to hers. I watch as she tries to read me but she can't seem to figure out what's bothering me so instead she simply nods and the two of us walk back into the break room. 

"What's going on?" she asks as she shuts the door behind us while I start pacing the room. How was I going to explain this to her? I was engaged....to a man yet I couldn't stop thinking about being with her in every dirty, intimate way. 

"I don't know" I admit, lifting my gaze to hers. "I never, ever thought that I belonged with anyone else besides Lucas since I was in middle school but then you show up here and you-you confuse the hell out of me! I can't stop thinking about kissing you and-and touching you-."

She chuckles, stepping towards me. "Honey it's normal to question your sexuality and be a little curious."

"But that's just it" I exclaim. "I'm more than a little curious. I-I want you."

She raises an eyebrow at me, stepping even closer. "You want me how? Sexually?" she asks for clarification and I nod my head. She smirks, pinning me against the counter. "Oh honey why didn't you just say so?" she asks, crashing her lips onto mine and my entire body stirs to life. I hadn't felt sparks like these....ever. It was as if everything finally made sense. 

She hikes up my skirt and presses her palm against my black, lace panties and she hums in delight. "Seems you weren't kidding" she murmurs, pressing harder. I gasp. "Don't worry. I'll take care of you honey."

She pushes my skirt up, bunching it around my hips and she pulls my panties down my legs as she kneels on the ground in front of me. I inhale sharply as her lips press against me and I find myself yanking at her blonde locks, urging her further. Her name tumbles past my lips while my head falls back against the cabinets and when my legs start to tremble and I tip over the edge she stays there between my legs until I come down and my breathing starts to even out. "Well?" she asks, licking her lips. 

"That was" I trail off, shaking my head as I lean forward and press my lips against hers once more. 

A knock sounds on the door and she groans as we pull apart. I laugh. "I'll get rid of them" I insist, fixing my skirt and heading towards the door. I pull it open and my breath hitches in my throat. 

"Hi baby" Lucas says brightly and my heart drops. He looks past me at Maya and furrows his eyebrows in confusion. "What's going on in here?"

"I was just teaching Riley something" Maya replies smoothly and my cheeks burn hotter as I think about how her mouth felt on me. Gosh, I wanted her to do it over and over again. 

"Oh? Anything interesting?"

"Just girl stuff" I argue, pushing on his chest. "You should uh go catch up with everyone. I'll be out in a second."

He furrows his eyebrows in confusion but nods nonetheless and I let out a breath of relief as I collapse against the door. "You cannot seriously still be considering marrying him" she says, crossing her arms over her chest and I shake my head. 

"Of course not but my office party isn't the place to do it not to mention I don't know how he's going to take it."

"He's blind if he doesn't see it" she says simply, handing me my panties. "Because I knew the second I saw you" she adds, giving me a tender kiss before pulling away. "See you later beautiful."

She walks out of the room and I release another deep breath. That woman would be the death of me. 

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