Warming Hearts

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Riley's POV

It seemed like a good idea to go to the ice skating rink this afternoon but after an hour in the below zero temperatures I was regretting our decision. There was nothing romantic about freezing your ass off.

"Why did we think that this was a good idea?" Maya shivers, running her hands up and down her arms to try and warm herself up.

I laugh, standing across from her in the heated locker room where we had space to lock up our shoes and change into our skates. "Maybe we should go home" I suggest.

"And do what?" she asks, raising an eyebrow at me. I shrug. Ever since we had moved in together last year we had enjoyed every second of being able to be completely open every minute of every day.

Of course our parents were fine with our relationship but we figured they probably didn't enjoy our constant public displays of affection.

"Whatever we want."

"Hm" she hums, stepping towards me and wrapping her arms around my waist. "Sounds promising. Let's go."

~ 🌌 ~

"Buying a place with a fireplace was the best idea we've ever had" Maya murmurs, stroking my hair as my head lies on her bare chest while we're tangled in blankets in front of the fireplace.

Getting warm was simple when you had a gorgeous girlfriend and a burning fireplace.

"I think you may be right" I agree, staring at the dancing flames. "And it'll be nice for when we have kids" I add thoughtfully, biting my lip as I wait for her outburst. We had been together for years and had talked at great lengths about marriage but babies were always something we avoided mentioning.

"Why?" she asks, not denying the thought of children right off the bat.

My fingers dance across her belly. "I always imagined opening presents in front of a roaring fire and hanging stockings from the mantle" I explain dazedly.

"How many kids?" she asks softly, gliding her hand down to my back and tracing my spine.

"At least three."

She laughs. "Honey you want to outnumber us?"

"Don't think about it that way" I protest. "Think about it as our love multiplying in the form of tiny humans."

"So you want to adopt?"

"Maybe" I shrug. "Or we could always use a donor."

"This is interesting pillow talk" she comments and I laugh as I prop myself up on my elbows and look at her.

"I'm sorry" I apologize. "I just like to think about our future" I admit and she smiles, caressing my cheek.

"Me too honey and I promise that we'll have a big family no matter how it comes to be."

My smile widens as I lean up and press my lips to hers. She kisses me back tenderly before pulling back breathlessly and resting her forehead against mine. "Stay here" she murmurs. My eyebrows knit together in confusion as she stands up and walks over to my stocking. Her hand dives inside and I bring my lip between my teeth as I watch her. 

She grabs a wrapped present out of the stocking and sits back down underneath the covers. "I was waiting for Christmas to give this to you but I think now may be better" she explains. I look at her confusedly, trying to gauge what she could possibly be talking about. 

"O-okay" I stutter, taking the box from her hands and slowly unwrapping it. A black velvet box lies beneath the paper and my breath hitches in my throat as I look back at my girlfriend. "Maya."

"Riley" she replies with a giddy grin. 

I open the box and tears fill my eyes as I look down at a gorgeous diamond ring resting inside. "Oh my god."

"Riley" Maya mutters, lifting my chin and making me look back up at her. "I love you so much. So much that I honestly couldn't imagine my life without you. I know that this has been a long time coming and a lot of people probably wonder what took me so long but" she pauses, taking a deep breath. "I wanted this to be perfect and I wanted it to be when it was right for us. I want to spend the rest of my life with you Riley Matthews. Will you marry me?"

Tears roll down my cheeks as I nod my head. "Yes" I whisper. "Yes, yes yes" I repeat as I lean forward and press my lips to hers letting the ring fall onto the blankets between us. The ring was stunning but the real prize was Maya. 

My fiancee. The love of my life. My best friend. 

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