Wedding Blues

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Sequel to Betrothed to Another

I wake up the next morning in my bed like usual but what's different is that I'm not alone.

Riley is wrapped up between my sheet, her chest rising and falling in a slow, gentle rhythm and the ghost of a smile pulls at her lips. She looks peaceful and happy, much like I supposed I would look like if it weren't the morning of my wedding.

"Princess Maya." The door is thrown open then and my eyes widen when my lady, Genevieve, waltzes into the room. It was normal for her to barge in unannounced in the morning but this was no normal morning.

"Who is yelling so early in the morning?" Riley, the most nocturnal woman I'd ever met, groans without lifting her head from my pillow.

Gen looks from the woman unclothed in my bed to my equally as nude self, hugging blankets to my chest. "I wasn't expecting you" I admit. Though I guess that was foolish, it was my wedding day and it was her job to make me presentable.

"Well I can see that" she whispers, shutting the door behind her with haste. "What is she doing here?"

"Really?" I ask, scrambling out of bed while Riley continues to sleep soundly. "Is it not obvious?"

"I-I suppose it is but I was giving you the benefit of the doubt." She steps towards me, looking back at the sleeping figure in my bed. "You're supposed to be marrying a man this afternoon."

"I'm well aware of that" I reply, grabbing my robe and pulling it on. "But I couldn't let my last night of freedom be wasted."

Gen bites her lip, staring at Riley intently. "And now what? Was it just something to get out of your system?"

I sigh, leaning against my bedpost with my arms across my chest. "It has to be. I'm destined to marry a man, create heirs and take over the throne." I glance back at Riley over my shoulder. "Falling in love wasn't part of the plan."

~ 👸🏼 ~

I guess when I pictured my wedding day I hoped that I would love the man...and I did, in a way. Josh was my best friend but my feelings were unable to go any deeper. My heart belonged to Riley and no matter what's said today, it always would.

"You look beautiful." I turn around and find Riley, now fully done up with her brunette hair in a bun, a periwinkle dress sweeping across the floor and light make-up covering her face. It was a stark difference from the messy haired, make-up free woman that was lying in my bed this morning without a care in the world.

"So do you" I reply, looking over my shoulder and watching the wedding party marching towards the altar. "And I wish things were different-."

"Darling." I'd know that voice anywhere. That was the soft but commanding voice of my father.

I slowly turn and force a smile onto my face as I face him. "Ready?" He asks me.

With one final gaze towards Riley, I take my father's arm and turn away from the life I wish I could have and the one I was being forced into.

"Riley is a sweet girl" Dad states, holding my shaking hand as the wedding march begins to play.

"She is" I confirm with a soft smile. "That's one of the reasons she's my best friend."

My father holds his head high as the attention of the room is bestowed upon me while I suddenly feel as if my legs have turned to jelly. "You know" he begins, whispering as we walk towards my impending doom. "As king, I'm privy to everything that happens in this palace...including the kisses that my daughter steals within it's walls."

My eyes widen and my head snaps to stare at him, rendered speechless. "Do you love her?" He asks me, locking his gaze with mine. I open my mouth to speak but no words come out. And besides, it's too late.

Josh is standing at the altar now, right in front of me and holding out his hand go take mine. "I don't get to answer that question" I whisper, answering him while kissing his cheek before pulling away with a forced smile.

I take Josh's hand then, and step up onto the altar. "You look gorgeous" he compliments and unlike the earlier compliment from his niece, this one falls on deaf ears.

All I can think about is last night and how it felt to be with someone that I really, truly cared for. And then my father's question. As if my feelings mattered.

"Dearly beloved." I tune out the pastor, looking around at all the smiling faces, most of which I've never met, until I find her. She's at the back of the church, wiping under her eyes and my heart aches. I want nothing more than to run to her and tell her I love her, assure her that we'll figure everything out, damn the consequences but I can't.

"If anyone has reason that these two shall not be married-." The pastor begins and while I expect the request to be glossed over, I'm shocked to hear a voice speak on my behalf.

And what's even more shocking, is that it comes from my father himself.

My mother is up and out of her seat, urging dad to be quiet but he's looking at me directly. "We've told you since you were young that you had this duty to your country" he begins, walking towards me. "But what we failed to tell you is that what's more important is following your heart. How are you to lead a nation effectively is you're living a lie?"

"Dad-." I attempt to argue but my father continues boldly.

"I asked you a question earlier, you didn't answer me. I want an answer."

I look back towards where Riley was only seconds ago but she's gone and my heart is off in a frenzy. Where did she go? My eyes search the room but I hear her before I see her. "Maya."

I hear her voice and I'm shocked to find her halfway down the aisle, feet away. Josh squeezes my hand, urging my attention back to him. "Hey" he whispers, smiling at me. "We all know you love her. Go." And then he drops my hands and steps back, literally and metaphorically and for the first time ever, I feel free.

I turn, ignoring the confused crowd around us and stalk towards Riley, grabbing her face between my hands when I reach her. "Are you sure about this?" She asks softly. "It'll change everything."

"I sure as hell hope so" I reply before crashing my lips onto hers.

A/N: I unintentionally gave myself Malec feels while writing this 🤷‍♀️ I think I'm gonna do one more part too...just to wrap things up! Next update is coming on Valentine's Day ❤

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