Small World

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Riley's POV

"Josh" I groan as I pound on the door incessantly. "You are not as funny as you think you are" I insist. I had gone to get ice, something that Josh had suggested and now I was locked out. "I am seriously going to kill you Uncle Josh" I exclaim as I continue to pound angrily on the door but he still didn't answer. I sigh as I turn my back to the door and slide down onto the floor.

I sit there for what feels like forever but is really only about five minutes before a short blonde steps out of her room and quirks an eyebrow at me.

She moves towards me slowly and stops in front of me, crossing her arms across her chest. "Got locked out?" she asks and I nod.

"My idiot uncle asked me to get ice and now I'm out here" I explain as I motion around at the hallway.

"I see" she chuckles. "So are you planning on sleeping out here on the floor?" she asks with a laugh.

"No. My Aunt Morgan will be back soon and I'll make her let me in" I explain. "What about you? Are you here alone?" I ask intriqued. She shakes her head and my heart drops. Of course she was taken.

"I'm here with my mom" she explains and suddenly my heart starts beating again.

"Your mom" I repeat, my eyes wide. She laughs, nodding her head.

"Yes my mom" she replies. "We're here visiting my dad's mother."

"Your grandma?" I question but she shakes her head.

"It's a bit more complicated than that" she replies. "She kinda wasn't in his life when he was little" she explains. "So uh yea" she adds uncomfortably. "What about you?" she asks curiously.

"My Uncle Eric is getting married this weekend so we just decided to spend the holiday here too" I explain.

"Gotcha. So you're all staying here and your uncle locked you out."

"Precisely" I nod. "He is what I'm least thankful for" I add making her chuckle as the door suddenly opens and I fall back into the room.

"I'm hurt niece" he says playfully as he looks up. A smile pulls at his lips as he stares at the blonde. "But I see you've made a friend" he says dazedly. "I'm Josh" he introduces himself.

"And I'm not interested" the girl laughs. "We play for the same team" she explains causing his eyes to widen.

"Oh" he says awkwardly while I stand up and smile at her. "Well uh."

"I'm Riley" I interrupt him.

She giggles. "Maya" she introduces herself making a smile pull at my lips. "I was actually going down to the restaurant to get some ice cream. Do you maybe wanna come?" she asks.


"Yes she does" Josh nods as he pushes me out of the room. "She's cute. Go for it" he whispers in my ear as I stumble forward.

"Um okay" I reply awkwardly. She laughs as she nods and the two of us start off towards the restaurant.

"So. You're into girls?" Maya asks and I nod. "You ever had a girlfriend?"

"I've had girls I've liked but they've never liked me" I shrug.

"How?" she asks making a blush rise on my cheeks as we make it the restaurant. "Table for two. A booth please" she says pointedly. The man nods and leads us to a booth in the back. I sit on the left side and Maya scoots in beside me.

"There is another a side" I point out to her making her chuckle as she nods.

"I know" she smirks as the waiter comes up to us.

"What can I get you both?"

"Hot fudge sundae and-" she trails off, looking to me.

"Strawberry sundae" I order. The waiter nods before walking off and leaving us alone. "So where are you from?" I ask curiously.

"New York" she replies making my eyes widen. There was no way that I heard her right.


"I know" she laughs. "Who goes to Maryland for a trip away from New York?"

"Me" I reply causing her eyes to widen.


"I'm from New York" I laugh, "my uncle works in D.C."

"Shut up. What a small world" she laughs in shock.

"Seriously" I reply as our sundaes arrive and are placed in front of us. "So where in New York do you live?"

"Near Greenwich" she says and my eyes widen.

"Do you go to NYU?" I ask bluntly and she nods.

"Wait-" she starts as her lips part in shock.

"Small world" I cut her off, smiling as she nods staring dazedly back at me.

"Small world" she agrees.

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