Getting Caught

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Dating in high school is hard. Dating your best friend who also happens to be a girl is even harder and trying to keep it a secret from everyone in your life is the hardest. When Riley turned sixteen we were thrilled that she inherited her mother's car because it would finally give us a place to sneak off to. 

It was Friday night and like usual we were had gone out on a date to a restaurant not far off the outskirts of town where we knew we wouldn't be recognized and now we were parked about a block away coincidentally at a park. It's like they named the place knowing that once kids got older they would only use the place for one thing.

"Do you remember when we'd actually go on the playground and play here?" Riley asks as she reaches up from her position underneath me, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear.  

"I do" I confirm. "But at seventeen years old I now realize that it's much more fun to just play with you" I explain, trailing my hand up her inner thigh and sneaking it underneath her skirt. "If you get what I mean" I smirk, dipping my hand under her panties. 

Her head falls back against the seat as she nods her head. "I get it" she confirms enthusiastically. I smirk, closing my lips over hers as I slip a finger inside her. 

I lose myself in my girlfriend, getting lost in her moans and the intoxicating feeling that always overwhelmed me when we were together. So lost that I don't notice anything is wrong until I hear a knock on the window. I look up to find a police officer shining a flashlight into the car. 

"Oh my god" I exclaim as we jump apart. The police officer motions for me to roll down my window so I lean across my girlfriend and roll down the window for him. "Is there a problem officer?"

"You're parked illegally" he explains simply. I bring my bottom lip between my teeth as I turn to glance at my girlfriend whose face has turned bright red in embarrassment. "You girls should be getting home."

"Of course officer" I nod.

"I'll follow to make sure you get there safely" he adds and my heart drops. This wasn't going to end well. 

The officer retreats to his car and we climb back into the front seat, Riley getting behind the wheel and heading off towards her place. "Riles" I try.

"I'm dead" she murmurs, clutching the steering wheel tightly. "I'm so, so dead Maya. My parents may be okay with us but they will not be okay with us having sex or-or doing it in a public place and getting caught by the police."

"Honey it'll be okay" I assure her as she pulls up to her loft with the officer pulling up behind us. We climb out of the car as does he. 

"I will have to report this to your parents as you're both minors" he explains. We nod and the three of us head upstairs to the loft. The officer knocks and the three of us wait for the door to open. Gladly, Auggie opens the door. 

"Oh boy" he murmurs, leaning against the door frame. "What happened?" he asks confusedly. At thirteen Auggie wasn't a kid anymore and in the last couple years he and Riley had gotten pretty close. He was the only person trusted with our secret...mostly because he caught us making out once and wouldn't buy the lie that we were experimenting. 

"Are your parents home?" the officer asks at the exact moment Topanga comes barreling down the stairs. 

"What in the world? What is going on here?" she demands, Matthews on her heels as she approaches the door. 

"I caught these two parked at Greenwich Square" the officer explains. "I wanted to make sure they got home safe."

"A-are they being charged with anything?" Topanga stutters, her gaze directed angrily towards Riley. 

"No, I'm letting them off with a warning but I'd suggest that they find another place to spend time together because another officer may not be so forgiving" he adds before turning and walking off. 

Topanga and Cory stare at us for a long moment while Auggie finally shuts the door and stands protectively by his sister's side. "What the hell were the two of you doing parked in Greenwich Square?" Cory demands. "Do you think you can't hang out here?"

Riley looks at me and I sigh, taking her hand in mine. "We know we can't do certain things here" I explain carefully. 

Topanga looks at us bewildered. "What are you both talking about?"

"Mom" Riley snaps. "We weren't hanging out. We were having sex because we're together. As in, Maya is my girlfriend and I'm hers. We're gay."

Topanga's eyes widen as she looks between all of us. Auggie's hand slips into Riley's and Topanga shakes her head. "I-I can't."

"Support us" Riley guesses. "Fine but I'm not breaking up with her."

"You think that's what we're upset about?" Cory exclaims. "You're too young to be having sex let alone doing it in a public place. This isn't how either of you were raised and the fact that you didn't go to anyone-."

"Augs knew" Riley interjects. 

Cory looks towards Auggie and he shrugs. "Sorry dad. She's my sister, I couldn't rat her out."

Cory sighs. "Riley you're grounded for a month."

Her eyes widen. "For what? Being gay?"

"No" Topanga says softly. "For being brought home by the police. Your father is right, this is not how we raised you and I hope that within this month you can talk to us and we can learn from this. Understand?"

Riley nods and I bring my bottom lip between my teeth. "What about me?"

"I'll call Shawn to come and pick you up."

"I mean after the month" I argue, squeezing Riley's hand. "Are you going to let us keep dating?"

Topanga and Cory share a soft smile and nod. "Of course we are. I don't think we could stop you even if we tried" she chuckles. 

"So one month" I murmur, glancing at Riley. She nods. 

This was going to be a long month. 

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