Love, Rilaya

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Inspired By: Love, Simon

Riley's POV

Subject: Last Night

No email last night?! I waited up all night to hear from you! I hope everything went well with telling your parents...I know I wish it would've gone better with mine. Don't forget I'm always here for you

Love, Mia

I smile at the email. This had been going on for three months. I had spent three months texting my deepest, darkest secrets to a complete stranger...a complete stranger that I was helplessly in love with.

She was the only person besides my best friend Farkle (well before yesterday) who knew I liked girls and I had spent the last half of my senior year searching near and far for the girl who had stolen my heart.

"Another email?" Farkle asks, glancing over at my phone. "When are you gonna meet this girl? I mean, your relationship was serious enough to make you come out to your parents" he adds and I smile.

Last night I finally told my parents the truth and while I expected them to be upset they were surprisingly supportive. "Do you think I should?" I ask, biting my lip nervously.

He shrugs. "Never hurts to ask."

I let out a deep breath as I type an email in response.

Subject: Re: Last Night

It went surprisingly well which is probably why i couldn't bring myself to tell you last night. How are things going at home? Is your mom talking to you yet? I'm here for you too Mia ❤

Love, Smiley

I press send and turn my attention back to my homework before my phone buzzes with another email.

Subject: Re: Last Night

Mom said good morning and cooked me pancakes. I don't know if it was progress or guilt...just wish I could talk to you about this in person. I could use a hug

Love, Mia

My heart swells and a surge of hope builds inside me. Could we meet?

"Are you gonna ask her?" Farkle asks, reading over my shoulder.

I chuckle, looking up at him. "You think I should?"

He smiles. "We only regret the chances we don't take" he says and I roll my eyes in amusement as I start composing an email.

Subject: Re: Last Night

Maybe that's a good me on the football field after school if you want that hug

Love, Smiley

The bell rings as soon as I press send and I release a deep breath. Here goes nothing.

~ 💬⚢💬 ~

I walk onto the football field, attempting to ignore my best friend whose attempting to hide himself under the bleachers. I roll my eyes, wringing my hands together while I wait. "Please let this go well" I murmur seconds before a melodic voice fills my ears.

"Smiley?" the girl asks and I turn around and come face to face with Maya Hunter. My eyes widen as I let my eyes roam over her. She was the "It Girl" of Abigail Adams since her transfer here freshman year. I had gone over so many possibilities in the past couple months but I never suspected her.

"Mia?" I gape back at her.

She chuckles, stepping towards me and pulling me in for a hug. I release a deep breath as I wrap my arms around her and for the first time being in someone's arms feels right.

We pull apart and she wipes a stray tear from her eye. "I should've known it was you. Shy girl and the numbers are your birthday" she figures. "Clever."

"I thought so but what about yours?" I question and she laughs.

"My step-dad is Hunter. My original last name is Hart" she explains. I smile.

"You're punny. I like that."

She caresses my cheek. "I like crazy as that at sound" she adds with a giggle.

I shake my head, leaning my forehead against hers. "It's not crazy" I murmur before leaning down and pressing my lips to hers.

The kiss is short and sweet but I find myself already ready for another one as we pull apart. "So, you wanted to talk?" I ask softly and she smiles.

"If you're still interested in listening."

"Anything for you" I reply softly. "As long as we can pick this up later."

She smirks, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. "You can count on that Riles" she replies, pecking my lips once more before she leads me off towards the bleachers where we talk on and on, long enough that the sun begins to set.

"I should really be getting home" I tell her, playing with our intertwined fingers. She nods in understanding.

"Maybe I could walk you. Isn't that what people do on first dates?" she asks. A smile tugs at my lips.

"So this was a date?" I ask and she nods, leaning on for another kiss.

"One of many babe" she replies softly and my heart swells as we stand up and we walk off into the sunset hand in hand.

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