Awake All Night

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*Inspired By: Awake All Night by Cody Simpson*


Riley's POV

"It's 2:15 in the morning and I'm still thinking bout you"

Sleepovers with Maya were always fun, the weekends she spent at my house were always my favorite when we were growing up. Of course that had all changed a few months ago when I started noticing little things about Maya that I never did before.

I sigh as I roll over, trying to make sure I don't wake up Maya who's fast asleep beside me. I glance at the clock seeing that it's already past two. I've been up for almost two hours since Maya fell asleep but I couldn't fall asleep. I couldn't stop thinking about her.

"I think that I'm in love with every single bit of you"

She's my best friend, she's always been my best friend and I never expected her to be more than that. Why did my stupid feelings have to get in the way? I open my list on my phone that I started a few months ago, smiling as I scroll through it.

Things I Love About Maya

1. Her Smile: the one she only uses on me, it's so bright it could light Times Square

2. Her Laugh: it's probably one of the most adorable things in the universe

3. Her Heart: it's huge despite how much she's gone through

4. Her Voice: it could soothe me unlike anything else

5. Her Hope: it's not for suckers 😊

I smile as I add another thing to the list

6. Her Snore: find it hard to fall asleep without it

I sigh as I put my phone back on my nightstand. I really needed to get some sleep.

"I don't know if I'll fall asleep tonight when you won't get off my mind"

I'm still awake and I don't know how I know that Maya is too but I do.

"Maya" I say softly, not daring to turn around.

"Yea Riles?" she asks sweetly, making a smile pull at my lips.

"Can't sleep" I sigh as she giggles, my heart swelling.

"Riley Matthews not being able to sleep that seems unlikely" she teases as I turn to face her. Her blue eyes pierce mine as I look at her, waking me up even more than I was before. Why was she so gorgeous?

"I'm scared" I say softly making her eyebrows furrow in confusion.

"Scared? Of what Riles?" she asks confused as she grabs my hand that happens to be accessorized with my friendship ring.

"I can't sleep because I can't stop thinking about you" I admit making her eyes go wide as she looks at me.

"What do you mean?" she asks softly as a tear falls down my cheek.

"I think I'm in love with you" I admit, feeling like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders as the words fall from my lips.

"You're what?" she asks with a smile as she wipes away my tears.

"I'm sorry" I cry as she chuckles softly, her hand lingering on my cheek.

"Sorry for what? For loving me? Don't ever be sorry for that" she insists making a smile pull at my lips. "I love you too" she adds softly making my eyes widen.

"You what?" I ask quickly, my heart rate increasing as she stares into my eyes, I swear I was drowning into her blue ones.

"I love you" she says sweetly. "I just had no idea you felt the same way" she adds with a laugh.

"I do. I really, really do" I emphasize making her smile as she leans forward, pressing her lips to mine softly.

"I'll be awake all night"

The sun is shining through my windows as Maya and I pull apart, my lips tingling from the feel of hers against mine for the past few hours.

"We were awake all night" she laughs lightly as she combs her fingers through my hair.

"We can sleep later" I reply with a smile making her mirror my expression as she leans forward pressing one last kiss to my lips. "I love you Peaches."

"I love you too Riles" she replies as we break apart, the sun bathing my room in sunlight as my heart swells with love for the girl that kept me up all night. 

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