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Maya's POV

Sitting at work is unbearable when my wife is off and sitting at home just waiting for me to come home.

Sitting at work is also unbearable when my wife has the entire day to herself and she's not returning my texts which means she did something that she knows I'm not going to be happy about.

The last time this happened I came home and our bedroom was painted yellow and not a soft yellow but a bright, sunshiny yellow that almost made sunglasses a necessary accessory whenever you were in the room.

I check my phone for the millionth time after I'm done sending another email to the principal urging her to replace the dried paint that my students certainly couldn't use and find that my messages are still empty.

I groan, dialing her number. She picks up on the fourth ring. "Hey baby" Riley answers. "How's work?"

"Uh nope. Try again honey what's going on?" I demand.

"Going on?" she questions. "Why would you think anything were going on? I am just sitting here in our house waiting for you to come home."

"Oh yea? Is that why you haven't answered my texts all day?" I press. Silence falls over the line and I let out a deep sigh. "Riley what did you do?" I ask impatiently.

"It's really nothing bad. You may even be excited" she says, dropping the act and fessing up to whatever it is she's been up to since I left the house this morning.

"Okay" I reply, drawing out the word slowly. "What is it?"

"Say hi to mama" I hear her coo and my heart drops.

"Riles-." My voice is cut off my the barking of a dog and I pinch the bridge of my nose as I try to compose myself. "Baby please tell me you did not do what I think you did."

"I bought a dog" she yelps. "Aw Maya she's so cute and I only got her because she reminded me of you with her blonde fur. You'll love her I promise."

I seriously hated that I was unable to stay mad at the woman. She went out and bought a dog without telling me and instead of getting angry I can't help but allow a chuckle to fall from my lips.

"If you love her then I'm sure I will" I reply defeatedly. "But honey you cannot keep doing these things without telling me."

"I know but she was just so cute. I couldn't just leave her there." I smile. My wife is such a sap. "I named her Gal by the way. I was thinking of just naming her Girl but I liked Gal better besides now she's named after Superwoman."

I chuckle, rolling my eyes. "Your crush on Gal Gadot is disturbing. I'm honestly waiting for the woman to send us a restraining order."

"Oh stop I'm not that bad" she argues and I laugh before a comfortable silence falls across the line. My thoughts wander off only to be brought back to reality by Riley's soft voice. "Are you really that mad?" she asks sadly, mistaking my silence for anger but I shake my head.

"No baby I'm not mad just-keep me in the loop next time."

"Okay" she concedes. "Me and Gal will be waiting for you when you get home."

"Sounds good honey. I love you."

"I love you too" she replies sweetly and Gal barks in the distance. "Gal says she loves you" she adds making me chuckle before we hang up and I begin counting down the minutes until I can finally get home to my wife and my new puppy.

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