Mistletoe Over the Bay Window

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Riley's POV

"What are you doing?" Lucas asks as he walks into my bedroom while I'm hanging mistletoe above my bay window.

"Nothing" I reply playfully making him roll his eyes as he steps further into my room. We were juniors in high school now and we had broken up the summer after freshman year. It wasn't that we didn't care for each other it was just that I had started to realize that I may feel more than I had originally thought for a certain blonde girl.

"Are you planning on catching a certain blonde haired blue eyed girl with that mistletoe?" he asks making a smile pull at my lips.

"Of course not" I reply making him chuckle as he sits on the windowsill.

"You can't sit there, now I have to kiss you" I tease as I waltz over to him, placing a kiss on his cheek.

"Thanks Riles" he laughs as his phone dings. He looks down at the screen and smiles. "I gotta get going, I'm meeting Zay and Farkle at Topanga's so we can brainstorm what to get you girls for Christmas."

"Have fun" I smile as I kiss his cheek once again before he leaves.

I'm left in my room, sitting on my bed as I do some of my homework, trying to get a head start so I'm not swamped with work towards the end of my break.

Suddenly my window is thrown open and Maya steps into my bedroom.

"Hey Riles" she says sweetly. "Are you seriously working on homework right now?" she asks laughing as she sits on the windowsill looking at me confused.

"I don't want to have to spend like six hours the day before we go back working on my homework" I reply defensively making her laugh as I get off my bed and walk over to her. "What are you doing here?" I ask playfully as I sit beside her.

"I tried to go get a snack at your mom's bakery but the boys were there and they kicked me out" she laughs making me smile.

"Yea Lucas said he was on his way over there" I reply.

"Oh so Huckleberry was here?" she asks playfully.

"Stop" I tease making her laugh. "He was messing with me about my Christmas decorations" I add making Maya smile.

"Like that one?" Maya smirks as she points at the mistletoe.

"Maybe" I reply blushing as I stare into her sparkling blue eyes. "What do you think of my décor?" I ask teasingly.

"I love it" she replies as she suddenly leans forward, pressing her lips to mine softly. The kiss is quick and sweet and I'm left smiling as her lips leave mine.

"What was that for?" I ask as we pull away.

"There was mistletoe" she teases as she points to the greenery. "Plus I kinda wanted to" she adds making me blush. "Merry Christmas Riles."

"Merry Christmas Peaches."

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