Trailer Surprises

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A/N: Special Rowbrina one shot for Sabrina's birthday!!!!!

Sabrina's POV

I walk into my trailer on Thursday morning, well scratch that. I tried to walk into my trailer on Thursday morning but a sea of balloons had made that task impossible. "Rowan" I mutter under my breath, glancing around for the goofy brunette.

"What happened here?" Peyton laughs as he walks up beside me, looking into the doorway of my trailer and seeing the ridiculous amount of balloons filling the small space.

"You think I'll get yelled at if I'm late to set?" I ask with a sigh making Peyton chuckle.

"No. It's your birthday and Rowan did it so" he trails off as I snap my face up to look up at his.

"How do you know Row did this? I didn't say she did" I point out as I cross my arms over my chest looking up at the tall blonde expectantly.

"Um" he stutters. "I may have helped" he adds making me roll my eyes playfully. "She wanted to do something fun" he shrugs. "You know how she is, always trying to act a little on the wild side for her wild child girlfriend."

"Rowan knows I love her the way she is" I reply dismissively as I pull at a bobby pin from my hair and set off to start popping balloons when the girl in question suddenly appears, seemingly out of thin air.

"Babe" I smile as I look at her before taking the final step onto my trailer. "Do you know anything about this?" I ask expectantly as she glances for help from Peyton.

"Maybe" she admits making me laugh lightly as I close the short distance between us and give her a quick peck.

"You're amazing" I whisper happily as I kiss her nose making her giggle, a sound that sent butterflies flying throughout my stomach. "But now you have to help me pop all of these."

"That's not fair" she pouts. "Peyton, Amir, and Corey helped me. Especially Amir, it was his idea actually."

"Of course it was" I laugh. Amir was such a goofball sometimes but a lot like Rowan in a lot of ways. "Peyton go round up the boys" I instruct.

"But" he starts but I hold up my hand.

"It's my birthday" I protest making him sigh.

"I'm still older than you Carpenter" he smirks as he starts to back away.

"And I'm dating your girlfriend in real life" I shoot back shutting him up as Rowan laughs beside me. I take another bobby pin out of my hair and hand it to Riley.

"Do we really have to pop all those?" she whines. "There are so many."

"Honey you were the one who put them all in there" I remind her as I finally making it to my trailer. "Just talk to me and you won't even notice" I instruct. I pop a few and see Rowan jump each time. After about twenty minutes I know Peyton isn't brining the boys, and why would he? I sent him away, gave him an out. Oh well, more Rowan time for me.

"Are we done yet?" Rowan complains making me laugh as I look at all the balloons still piled in my bedroom.

"No" I reply as she whines. I laugh as I shake my head at her. "You did this" I remind her.

"I know but I didn't want to pop them all" she complains making me chuckle as I look around my trailer.

"Fine" I give as I stick the bobby pin back into my hair before grabbing her by the waist and pulling her towards me, "guess we'll just have to hang out on the couch" I smirk before sitting and pulling her onto my lap.

"I've heard worse ideas" she smiles as she wraps her arms around my neck, "happy birthday Sabrina."


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