In Sickness and Health

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The Finale of Betrothed to Another

To say that I broke the monarchy would put it lightly. After the kiss seen round the world I sat in on more diplomatic meetings than my parents had probably suffered through the entire time they sat on the throne.

But, it was all worth it, to wake up next to wife on the most romantic day of the year. "Why are you always staring at me?" Riley mumbles without opening her eyes. I chuckle, reaching out to pushback strand of hair behind her ear.

"Because sometimes I have to remind myself that you're real" I reply honestly causing her deep brown eyes to finally flutter open. Even after the whirlwind year of figuring out what being together meant for my reign, the year following that where I spent months agonizing over how to ask for her hand and finally, the whopping two years it took to get down the aisle because of the ridiculous amount of prep the monarchy needed; I still couldn't believe she was mine.

"Babe" she smiles softly, pulling me closer. "We have been together for almost five years, how much more convincing do you need to prove that I'm real?'

"I don't know" I shrug. "Maybe just a little" I smirk, leaning down to press my lips to hers. A soft moan leaves her lips as I part them expertly, slipping my tongue into her mouth and carefully maneuvering her onto her back while I climb on top of her.

"Maya" she sighs as my lips move across her jaw and down her neck.

I slowly start to push down the straps of her nightie, trailing my lips even lower until they're wrapped around her breast, suckling gently at her smooth, soft skin. "Ah" she cries out, arching her back as I nip at her nipples.

I continue downwards, pushing the nightie off her completely to find her bare beneath it. "Were we expecting to get lucky?" I ask my wife, a smirk on my lips.

"It is Valentine's Day" she shrugs making me laugh as I continue my path down her stomach towards her navel and furthermore south until I'm between her thighs. "Shit" she mutters and I think it's words of praise as I take my first taste of my delicious queen but my wife is then quickly pushing me away and sprinting out of bed.

I furrow my eyebrows as she makes a beeline for the bathroom and hastily, I follow after her. "Riles. Baby, are you okay?" I ask, sitting beside her as she loses the content of her stomach into our toilet.

I rub my hand down her back soothingly, waiting for her to feel well enough to sit back up and when she does I stand to get her a washcloth to wash her face and mouthwash to rinse the disgusting taste from her mouth.

"Thanks" she smiles softly, taking both items and using them. "I'm sorry. This is probably the least sexy thing you've ever seen."

I reach forward to caress my wife's cheek. "Sickness and health, right?"

A soft blush covers her cheeks as she curls her legs up into her chest and releases a shaky breath. "It isn't really a sickness that I have though." I furrow my eyebrows in confusion.

"What are you saying?"

"Maya." Her eyes stare intently into mine as a wide grin spreads across her lips. "It worked."

Oh. My. God.

"No." I shake my head, overwhelmed with the urge to cry. "They said the likelihood of it taking on the first they was"

"I guess I'm just that fertile" she jokes and I yelp, jumping at my wife and attacking her face with kisses. She giggles, falling onto her back on the linoleum floor.

"We're having a baby" I mutter, wondering at her small stomach and thinking of how beautiful she'll look as time progresses and an adorable baby bump makes an appearance.

"Yea we are" she giggles, caressing my cheek.

I couldn't believe it. We had only tried IVF once, sure that it was going to take years to conceive but hoping for the best and now, we were pregnant.

We were going to be moms. "I love you Maya."

"I love you too Riley" I reply, leaning down to kiss her.

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