Truth or Dare?

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*Inspired By: Fall by the Jonas Brothers*

Riley's POV

"Getting tired of all this fear"

"You could tell her" Lucas says seriously as he and I set up bowls of chips for the party tonight. Maya was in her room getting ready so Lucas and I were on snack duty. It was our senior year at NYU and me, Maya, Lucas, and Zay all lived in a small apartment together. We were throwing a party with all our old friends tonight and I should be thrilled but I was freaking out about three small words that could change everything.

"Or I could not tell her" I reply making Lucas sigh in annoyance.

"Riley, you have loved Maya for years why are you freaking out?"

"Because I've loved Maya. I've never been in love with Maya. I've never told her I love her romantically" I explain causing Lucas to sigh.

"I still think you're worrying for no reason Riles. She loves you and you love her. Just say the damn words so we can move on" he says making me hit him as his girlfriend walks in the room. Her name was Brooke and she was actually perfect for him. I was just glad he found someone after I broke up with him for Maya.

"See watch" he smirks as he pulls Brooke into his arms. "I love you" he smiles at his girlfriend.

"I love you too" she replies as she presses her lips to his.

"Whatever" I mutter under my breath as Maya walks into the room wearing a pair of jeans and a crop top, her blonde hair hanging in loose curls around her shoulders.

"You look amazing Peaches" I smile as my girlfriend walks over to me.

"Thanks honey" she replies as she kisses me softly. "You okay? You seem worried."

"Nope. I'm as sunshiny as always" I lie as I hold her against me. I was getting so tired of lying, of keeping things from her, but I was scared. I didn't want those three small words to ruin us.

"Cause I'm not afraid to fall if you're the one who catches me"

"Truth or dare?" Farkle asks Maya as I take another swig of my beer. I was on my second or maybe third one but I knew it didn't matter. Lucas was counting and once my number got too high I'd be cut off. We may not be dating anymore but he was still extremely protective over me which I actually didn't hate as much as I say it does. He was an amazing friend and I couldn't live without him.

"Dare" Maya smiles as if she was ever going to pick anything else.

"Trust fall with Riley" he smirks as Maya rolls her eyes.

"She's been drinking. There's no way she'll catch me" Maya argues making Farkle laugh as he takes a swig of his beer.

"Exactly" he smirks making me laugh as I stand up.

"Come on Maya. I won't let you fall" I insist as I hold my arms out making her laugh.

"Okay fine" she laughs as she turns so her back is facing me before falling right into my arms.

"Well this is no fun" Farkle complains as Smackle slaps his arm.

"Told you I'd catch you."

"I can finally let you know"

"Truth or dare?" Lucas asks me seriously as I weigh my options before deciding.

"Truth" I reply quickly as I finish off my beer.

"Are you in love with Maya?" he smirks as he sits back watching my eyes widen as I look at him in shock.

"Lucas" Zay warns but he only shrugs as he looks at me. I quickly bolt out of my seat, running to my bedroom when I feel someone's hand on my wrist.

"Riles that wasn't fair of him to do" Maya says seriously.

"I was gonna tell you when I was ready" I cry as her face softens, taking a step closer to me.

"Does that mean you are in love with me?" she smiles as she caresses my cheek.

"Yes" I admit shyly making her chuckle as she wipes a stray tear from my face.

"I love you too Riles" she says softly making me smile as I look up into her sparkling blue eyes.

"Really?" I ask making her laugh as she nods her head.

"Really. Now I dare you to tell me you love me" she smirks as I lean forward pressing my lips to hers.

"I love you." 

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