A Back-Ordered Present

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Happy Mother's Day 💕🌸

Riley's POV

I had no idea where Maya had run off to which wasn't ideal because knowing her, she'd sneak up on me thinking that it was the most romantic and adorable thing ever. 

She had never been the romantic type before she became my girlfriend, especially hating public displays of affection but as soon as we began dating, she had come out of the closet. Literally. 

She made sure everyone knew we were together, always holding my hand or finding any excuse to touch me when we're out in public. I pretended to hate it but it was actually one of my favorite things about her. 

Which I told her in our vows about three years ago. Three years since we became the Hunter-Matthews'. 

I pluck a mother's day card off the wall. The writing was wispy and totally unlike anything Maya would usually gravitate towards but it wasn't about the style, it was about the words. And it was perfect. It even give me a bit of a chuckle. 

I grab the envelope and stuff it inside just as my wife's arms come around to wrap me in her embrace. "Honey, there's no way that card will get to your mom in time for tomorrow" she teases, resting her chin on my shoulder. 

"I'm not worried" I shrug, turning to face her. She had escaped about fifteen minutes ago without telling me where she was going and now I know what had kept her so long.

In her hand is something I've begged her a billion times to buy on Amazon instead of Target but she never listens. And she didn't even have a cart. "Really babe?" I motion to the item in her hand and she rolls her eyes. 

"Don't act so prudish Riles. We're grown ass, married women. And I tried to change the batteries this morning in the one at home and it still didn't work so" she shrugs and I sigh. That damn confidence again.

"We should get going" I reply dismissively, giving her a quick kiss just because I can't help myself and leading her to the check-out. 


The plan was to tire her out the night before so that in the morning, I could wake up and sneak out of the room without her noticing. And thanks to the new toy she bought yesterday, that hadn't been a problem. 

I woke up on Mother's Day just before nine and inched out of bed before heading down the hall to retrieve the card I had bought the day before and the test I had taken last week. 

It had killed me to keep it from her, especially because we'd been trying IVF for over a year but I was set on telling her today. 

Just as I'm sealing the envelope my wife's footsteps trail down the hall and I look up to find her leaning against the breezeway wall. "Why didn't you wake me?" She asks, wiping the sleep from her eyes. 

I stand up and step towards her, the envelope behind my back. "I was getting something ready for you." She furrows her eyebrows as I hold out the gift for her. "Happy Mother's Day."

Her eyes linger on mine for a moment, a small laugh spilling from her lips as she takes the envelope from my hand. "I appreciate the sentiment honey but-." As she rips it open her lips part in shock. 

Inside is the card I'd picked out, the words reading, "your present is on back order." Tears spring from her eyes as the card falls open and she pulls out the pregnancy test I'd stuffed inside. 

"Riley? Are we-? Are we really-?" She isn't able to finish a single thought as tears run freely down her cheeks and I can't help but start crying too as I nod my head. 

"I'm pregnant." She launches herself at me, hugging me tighter than ever and crying into my shoulder. "Are you excited?"

"Is the sky blue?" She asks, pulling away from me. "Honey." Her hand reaches out to caress my cheek. "I love you so much."

"I love you more" I reply, leaning forward to press my lips to hers. "Happy Mother's Day" I add as we pull apart, our foreheads pressed together. 

"Happy Mother's Day" she agrees, pulling me in for another kiss. 

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