The Morning After

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Riley's POV

One night stands were never really my thing. If both parties weren't aware of the stipulations then it could end in disaster.

This morning was a prime example of a disaster of a one night stand.

Like an idiot I had let my exhaustion take over last night and had passed out after we hooked up. Now, I'm lying in some stanger's bed with nothing but a sheet covering my entire body.

"Dammit" I mutter, glancing around the room. Whoever I went home with last night is no where in sight and the only memory that comes through is blonde hair and an infectious laugh.

I climb out of bed and scurry across the floor to gather my bra and panties, slipping my lingerie back on before a melodious laugh breaks me out of my task and I snap my head up to meet the gorgeous blonde's eyes.

"Um" I stutter.

"Going somewhere?" she asks as she leans against the doorway.

"I" I stammer, unsure of what to say. "I'm really sorry. I-I fell asleep last night-."

"Do you always stutter and blush profusely when you're nervous?" she asks, eyeing me skeptically.

I let out a nervous chuckle. "I just-I don't do this...not ever" I add definitively.

She shrugs. "I don't judge. But I am wondering where it is you're going."

I pick up my dress and slip it over my head before straightning up and turning to face her. "I was going home. Unless" I trail off, raising an eyebrow at her skeptically.

"You wanna get some coffee?" she asks causing my lips to quirk into a smile.

"I-Yea sure" I stutter, unsure of what else to say. The girl was sweet and clearly wanted to spend time with me and I really could use some caffeine.

"Great. I know a great little place not that far from here" she says decisively before turning on her heels and walking out the door.

It's clear that she wants me to follow her so I grab my heels and slip them onto my feet before rushing down the steps to meet her at the bottom.

She takes one look at my outfit and shakes her head. "Oh honey no. You can't wear that outfit like this is some walk of shame" she insists making me look down at my outfit.

I look back up at her and throw my hands up in frustration. "I don't have any other clothes."

"Clearly" she deadpans. "Hold on" she insists, rushing back up the steps and returning with a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt. "Here" she says, holding the clothes out to me.

"Thanks" I reply, taking the clothes and awkwardly standing there with them in my hands. "Uh-."

"What?" she asks confusedly as her lips turn into a smirk. "It's nothing I haven't seen before" she adds making my blush return.

I turn away from her and grab the hem of my dress, tugging it over my head before slipping into the clothes she gave me.

I turn around and do a twirl to show off the outfit and she beams back at me. "Perfect" she says decisively. "And uh you can wear these" she adds, handing me a worn out pair of sneakers.

I slip them on and she gives me an approving nod before we finally walk out of the house and walk towards her car.

She unlocks the doors and we climb in, immediately enveloped in the smell of the perfume I was wearing last night. "Ready?" she asks as she puts the key in the ignition.

I nod and the two of us head off towards the coffee shop while silence hangs around us.

"You okay?" she asks, glancing over at me. I chuckle, looking up at her.

"Honestly? Don't you think it's a little weird?" I ask. "I don't even remember your name" I admit shyly.

She laughs. "I was worried about that" she confesses. "Well Riley, my name is Maya and after what we did last night there's really nothing to feel awkward about."

I sigh, leaning back in my seat. "I can't believe I got so drunk last night. My friend Darby was supposed to cut me off."

"Yea she's apparently horrible at that" she giggles. "But I'm not mad either" she adds as she glances back at me.

My blush deepens as we pull up to the coffee shop. It's a little place called Bean There, Done That and upon walking in it's clear that Maya is a regular.

"The usual My?" A tall brunette man asks as we walk up to the counter.

"Absolutely" she nods. "And whatever this lovely lady wants" she adds as she turns her gaze to me.

"I'll have an iced coffee with caramel drizzle" I order. The man puts the order into the system and Maya reaches into her pocket to pay making my eyes widen.

"Oh I have money" I try but she shakes her head as she hands her debit card over to the barista.

"If I let you pay then this couldn't be considered a date" she points out.

Again my blush returns and I avert my eyes to the ground while we wait for our drinks.

"You have stunning eyes" she compliments out of nowhere making me snap my head up to look at her. "I've been thinking it since I brought  you home last night" she admits.

"They're not nearly as pretty as yours" I argue. "I always wanted blue eyes."

This time she blushes. "Hm a compliment. Are you warming up to me Riles?"

I chuckle. "I think I was pretty warmed up last night."

She nods. "Maybe a little" she concedes. "You uh really know what you're doing."

It has to be impossible for my cheeks to get redder. "I-."

She laughs, taking my hand in hers. "Relax honey."

I let out a deep breath as our coffees come up and we find ourselves a table. "I like this place" I compliment.

She looks around and nods in agreement. "I like it too" she admits. "Almost as much as I like you."

My eyes widen. "W-what?"

She giggles. "Riley I'm saying I'd like to see you again" she says, making herself clear since my brain is still apparently a bit foggy.

"I-I would love to" I reply honestly causing her lips to tug into a smile.

"It's a date" she says decisively before taking a sip of her drink.

My heart skips a beat.

I was right. I'm horrible at one night stands but perhaps maybe this would be more than that.

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