Dirty Talk

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*Sequel to Spring Cleaning*

Maya's POV

"'Scuse me" Riley says, nudging my legs as she tries to step in front of me with the vacuum cleaner. I look away from the television and quirk an eyebrow at my wife. I loved her dearly but I was hoping that eventually she'd give up on this spring cleaning tradition but after being together for seven years she was still as anal retentive as ever. 

"Baby can't you do that later?" I ask, reaching forward to shut it off. The horrendously loud noise ceases and my head stops pounding for the first time all day. "It's my only day off this week, don't you want to do something more productive with our time?" 

She furrows her eyebrows. "What could be more productive than cleaning?" she questions. "We have to clean this place up Maya; it's the only way to have make sure our life is clear of clutter."

"Uh huh sure" I reply, nodding along like I believed her. "But what I'm suggesting if that you can clean while I'm at work tomorrow and today you can put the vacuum away and come sit with me."

She sighs, leaning forward onto the vacuum handle. "Look, I know you've been busy with work and I'm sorry that they called you in for a meeting tomorrow night-." She drowns on and on about my job and how many pointless meetings we have but I tune her out. I didn't mind going to a worthless meeting tomorrow but I did care about wasting my only day off with my wife. 

I turn off the television and stand up, shrugging my shoulders. "Fine. I'll get out of your way. I'm gonna go take a shower" I tell her, starting off towards our bathroom and deciding to have a little fun with her. 

I take about three steps before I start unbuttoning my shirt and by the time I reach the hall I'm pushing it off my shoulders and dropping it onto the floor. I smirk, knowing that I have her full attention since I have yet to hear the vacuum turn back on and I decide to take advantage of it. 

I grab the buttons on my jeans and undo them before I yank down the zipper and stop in the middle of the hall, leaning on the wall for support as I step out of my pants. 

I leave those on the floor as well and continue towards the bathroom, reaching up to unhook my bra as I near the doorway. I quickly discard it too as I step through the bathroom's doorway and I look back over my shoulder at my wife who hasn't moved from her spot in the living room but is still staring at me with her lips parted. 

I giggle, turning back around and grabbing my panties, tugging them down my legs before I flick on the bathroom light and walk over to the shower, starting the water. I don't bother to close the door because I  know it's only a matter of time before she joins me so, once the water is warm enough I step into the shower and close the glass door, turning on the shower head and reveling in the water falling down around me. 

I close my eyes and run my fingers through my hair but the sound of footsteps causes me to open my eyes and I smile when I find my wife with my clothes in her arms, tossing them into the hamper. She quickly undresses too and steps into the shower and I smirk as she pushes me back into the wall, taking control like she knows I love. "To be clear, if I give you what you want then you help me clean. Mkay?"

I bite my lip, nodding my head. "Whatever you want baby."

"Good" she smiles victoriously. "Now, what is it you want?" she asks, quirking an eyebrow at me and I shrug, grabbing her hips and pulling her body against mine. 

"Your lips anywhere they want to go" I reply softly before leaning down for a kiss and she returns my fervor with matched intensity while the glass around us steams up. She squeezes my hip and finally pulls back breathlessly, eyeing me seductively. 

"Anywhere huh?" she asks as her eyes flicker downwards and heat sears through my veins at the thought of this escalating to that point. "You sure?" I nod, unable to form a single word and she tsks, shaking her head. "You really are dirty, you know that?"

"Well, I think you secretly like it" I reply softly. "Because I'm the only dirty thing you never try to clean up."

"Hmph" she scoffs, slowly dropping to her knees. "I don't know what you mean baby. I love taking showers with you which is the cleanest activity one can do."

I laugh, bunching my hand in her hair. "Not the way we do it" I reply as she steadies me by grabbing my hips and dives in. 


"Spring cleaning is fun" I breathe heavily as we lie in the center of the floor of our bedroom. We had decided to go through old clothes to potentially donate but it had quickly turned inappropriate when we started trying them on in front of each other which then turned into us basically undressing each other until finally we went for round two on top of the pile of clothes. 

"Yea well now we have to wash all these before we can even think of donating them" Riley complains and I laugh, shrugging my shoulders. 

"Isn't laundry involved in spring cleaning? You know" I add thoughtfully. "We've never done anything in the laundry room."

She rolls her eyes. "You're so, so dirty."

"Yea you love it though" I agree making her laugh. "Do you think we can do more cleaning tomorrow?" I ask hopefully and she smiles, nodding her head. 

"I think it can be arranged" she agrees, leaning over to kiss me and my heart swells. Nothing was better than spring cleaning with the one you loved and I was so beyond happy that Riley Matthews was all mine.

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