Spiked Eggnog

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A/N: Merry Christmas ⛄🎄

Riley's POV

"I don't wanna go" I complain to Maya as we stand in the middle of her bedroom. We were home from school on Christmas break and she had tricked me into thinking I was coming to sleep over when really there was a party tonight that she wanted to drag me to.

"Oh come on" she insists. "It'll be fun."

"Maya you know how I feel about parties" I sigh, sitting up and running my fingers through my hair.

"You just haven't been to a good one yet" she protests making me roll my eyes. "Get dressed. We're leaving in fifteen minutes."

~ ⛄🎄❄ ~

"Eggnog?" a frat boy asks me. I smile and nod, taking the cup from him and taking a sip. I scrunch my nose. It tasted different but I wasn't one to complain.

"I'm gonna go mingle. Wanna come?" Maya asks. My stomach clenches. Go mingle meant find a girl to hook up with.

Maya had come out in high school but I wasn't so confident. I was still in the closet and helplessly in love with my best friend.

"Have fun" I insist, forcing a smile.

"Oh honey I always do" she winks before heading off into the crowd. I sigh, leaning against the wall and downing the rest of my drink before heading back to the kitchen to refill it.

After four cups my head is beginning to feel fuzzy and my vision is blurry. "Riley" Maya shouts, grabbing my arm. My skin tingles.

"Peaches" I exclaim, draping over her.

She laughs. "How much did you drink honey?" she asks worriedly.

"What do you mean?" I question. "I been drinking eggnog" I argue.

"Jesus Riles. That's spiked" she sighs as she takes the cup from my hand. "Come on honey" she insists, grabbing my waist and draping my arm across her shoulders.

She carries me out to the car and leans me against it while she looks for her keys. "Pocket" I remind her. She quirks an eyebrow. "Your ass" I point. She reaches into her back pocket and pulls out the keys.

"Thanks" she smiles.

"You shouldn't thank me" I protest. "I only know that cause I stare at you all the time" I confess making her eyes widen.


"Yep" I nod. "I stare at you. A lot actually. You're quite sexy. Did you know that?" I ask before a laugh tumbles from my lips. "Nevermind. Of course you do. You go home with girls all the time who probably whisper all sorts of dirty things."

"Riley what the hell are you talking about?" she asks confused.

"You don't love me" I reply bluntly. "You would rather go home with every girl at this party than me" I cry.

Her lips part in shock as she stares at me. "Honey you can't honestly believe that."

"It's okay" I assure her. "I get it. I'm just some girl stuck in the closet."

"Okay honey I think it's time to go home."

"I want you to stay" I whine. "I love you."

A smile pulls at her lips as she takes my hand in hers. "I love you too Riles."

~ ⛄🎄❄ ~

"Ow" I groan as I wake up the next morning to a pounding headache. Maya chuckles as she walks into the room with Advil and water.

"Morning" she whispers. "How're you feeling honey?"

"My head hurts" I complain as I down the pills.

"Yea well you knocked back quite a few spiked eggnogs" she chuckles. "Do you remember anything about last night?"

"I remember getting there. You told me you were going to mingle."

"And find someone to bring home" she fills in. "I didn't. I spent the night keeping an eye on you."

"Well thank you" I smile softly. "You're a good friend."

"I like to think so" she replies, "but what about being more than that?' she asks making my eyes widen. "Riley do you have feelings for me?"

I stare at her in shock. What the fuck did drunk Riley say?

"Oh my god" I murmur, jumping off the bed but Maya catches my wrist.

"Riley you can't run from this" she insists as she stands up and steps in front of me. "Did you think I would judge you?"

"No" I shake my head. "I think you're going to tell me we're better as friends" I cry. "I love you Maya."

"You should've told me" she says seriously as she closes the distance between us.

"Well now that I have?" I ask, biting my lip.

"I love you too" she says sweetly before leaning forward and pressing her lips to mine.

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