A Kiss is Worth a Thousand Words

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Maya's POV

"We broke up" Riley murmurs, sitting on the bay window that was void of anything that used to make it unique. The entirety of Riley's room was in boxes and her life was in shambles. Both of us were still in denial that she was really moving to England but with each passing day it was becoming harder and harder to ignore...as were the feelings that were suddenly beginning to bubble up inside me.

"I'm so sorry honey" I reply honestly. I knew how much Lucas meant to her but I also knew that she had been thinking about ending things since she found out about the move. Long distance was hard at any age but at fourteen it was nearly impossible.

"It's for the best" she sniffles and my heart breaks as I pull her into my embrace, wrapping my arms around her. My heart starts beating faster as I hold her against me and I hate myself for it. Since when do I get excited from holding a girl in my arms, especially Riley. She's my best friend not some girl I'm secretly in love with...I don't think.

Is it possible to not realize how you truly feel about someone until you're on the vergr of losing them?

I don't realize how long we've been hugging until we pull apart and look at each other in wonderment. What the hell just happened? "I-I'm sorry" Riley stutters but I shake my head.

"Sorry for hugging me?" I ask in disbelief and she chuckles, shaking her head.

"No I meant because I-." She brings her bottom lip between her teeth. "Because I was thinking about something while hugging you."

My eyes widen. She couldn't possibly be feeling the same strange and foreign things I'm feeling...could she?

"What kind of things?" I squeak out but she shakes her head once more.

"It's not important" she insists. "I should be going actually" she says quickly and I chuckle. She certainly was a tad nervous.

"Uh honey" I stop her, grabbing her wrist. Electricity runs up my arm and my breath hitches in my throat. That was new. "It's uh it's your house" I remind her gently and her cheeks flush.

"Right" she replies awkwardly.

"Yea maybe I should just-."

"Do you ever think about kissing girls?" Riley blurts out making my eyes widen as I stare at the beautiful brunette standing before me. I hadn't necessarily thought about kissing girls but there was one in particular who I couldn't stop thinking about kissing.

"No" I admit, standing up. "But I think about kissing you" I add boldly. Her lips part in shock and I take my opportunity to grab her waist and pull her into my embrace, crashing my lips onto hers. She gasps in shock but then her mind seems to catch up with her lips and she begins moving them gently against mine.

My tongue slips into her mouth and she moans, wrapping her arms around my neck as the kiss intensifies until we're both pulling apart, gasping for breath. "Woah" she murmurs. "I didn't know kissing could feel like that" she gushes and I chuckle, caressing her cheek.

"Me either" I agree breathlessly, a smile on my lips while a large storm cloud hangs over my head...a storm cloud named England.

~ 💋❤💋 ~

We Skype a lot. We talk every single second of the day and annoy every single person around us...especially Lucas who still hasn't really gotten over the fact that he was dumped because Riley was moving yet we got together days before she left and had been going strong for almost two years.

She hadn't been able to come back to visit yet. Her mom's work was nuts and her parents didn't trust her to come stay here alone. Good call on their part since after two years I wouldn't be able to keep my hands off their daughter.

I missed her like crazy but we made things work.

I'm at lunch with the usual group while texting Riley and Zay groans. "Do you ever put that thing away? What could you even have left to talk about at this point?" he asks and I roll my eyes as my fingers fly across the keyboard.

Today had been a weird day. It was the last week before finals and while school was easy since all we were doing was reviewing I was stuck in my phone worried about the brunette who wouldn't text me back. "Shut up Zay" I snip, texting her again but this time as I press send I hear a jingle of a ringtone at the same time and my heart skips a beat as I look up.

"Wow babe, text me much?" Riley teases and my jaw drops to the ground. She was back.

"Riley" I exclaim, jumping up and running towards me girlfriend. She laughs, encirling my waist and crashing her lips onto mine making the whole world disappear. "You're back" I gasp as we pull apart and she giggles.

"All summer" she confirms.

"Really?" I ask excitedly and she nods, wrapping her arms around my waist.

"I'm all yours" she confirms and my heart swells as I lean in to kiss her again earning groans from our friends who find us nauseating but I don't care.

My girl was home.

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