Riley's Leprechaun

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A/N: Happy Early St. Patrick's Day

Riley's POV

"What are you doing?" I ask playfully as Maya walks into our bedroom holding various shopping bags overflowing with green.

"Getting in the spirit" she smiles as she places the bags on her bed. "I am Irish you know" she smirks making me laugh as I shake my head.

"You are not" I reply as I start to dig through the bags. "You just want an excuse to blow your paycheck on things you didn't need."

"Oh come on. This holiday is about having fun. So let's get dressed up and hit the town. Let's have some fun" she begs as I sigh.

"Okay fine" I give in as she claps excitedly.

"Yay" she exclaims as she hands me a few of the clothing articles she bought. "Go change and then we can go bar hopping" she insists as she shoos me out of the room. I change quickly and look at myself in the mirror. I'm going to kill Maya.

"Maya I'm not wearing this" I start but I trail off as I look at my best friend. She's wearing a crop top similar to the one she's instructed me to wear only her's says "Kiss Me I'm Irish" on it and she's wearing a pair of white short shorts to match. Suddenly I can't keep my eyes off of her. I force myself to look into her eyes and I see her smiling.

"You look hot Riles" she approves as she looks me up and down. "Come on let's go" she insists as she grabs my hand and pulls me out of the dorm.


"Does your friend have a boyfriend?" a guy asks as he walks up to me while I'm waiting for drinks at the bar. I roll my eyes at the question without answering. "Um hello" the guy adds making me sigh.

"If you wanna know so bad, why don't you go ask her" I snap taking the guy by surprise.

"Woah, sorry. Didn't realize it was a soft spot" he says making me let out a deep breath as the bartender hands me my drink.

"I didn't either" I confess as I watch her dance with numerous guys on the dancefloor.

"Oh I get it" he says as she looks between me and Maya. "You like her."

"What? No I don't. She's my best friend."

"Best friends date sometimes" he says with a smile. "You should go for it. Your cute, she's cute" he adds making me roll my eyes.

"If I'm so cute why did you ask me about my friend?" I ask as he shrugs.

"You're not my type. It's nothing personal" he says as he sips his drink. "But her shirt is basically inviting you to kiss her."

"Um no it doesn't. People don't just get to kiss her because she's wearing that."

"I'm not saying that people do, I'm saying you do" he smirks making me roll my eyes playfully.

"She doesn't feel that way about me" I insist but he shakes his head.

"I'm taking your drink hostage until you go and kiss her. Now" he insists making me moan in annoyance.

"Fine. But only because I want my drink" I add making him laugh.

"Of course. Now go."

I glance at him one last time before going over to Maya and grabbing her wrist.

"Hey honey what's up?" she asks curiously as she looks down at me but I don't answer her, instead I reach up and kiss her. I can tell she's surprised at first and I think she's going to pull away but she doesn't. Instead she deepens the kiss and pulls me closer, kissing me until we're both breathless and have to pull apart.

"I was hoping you'd do that" she smirks as we pull apart making me look at her confused. "The shirt. I bought it in hopes that maybe you'd finally kiss me."

"But you're not Irish" I exclaim making her laugh as she nods her head.

"Exactly" she smiles as she grabs my waist and pulls me against her. "Which means you kissed me because you like me, not because I'm Irish" she adds as my heart swells. "I like you too Riles" she finishes as she leans back in to kiss me.

"Um sorry to interrupt but you've earned this back" the boy says as he holds out my drink making me laugh. "Happy St. Patrick's Day."

"Thanks" I smile as he walks away making Maya look at me confused.

"Who was that?"

"A Leprechaun leading me to my pot of gold" I reply making her laugh as she leans back in to kiss me.

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