Surprise Dinner Guest

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Hello lovelies. I want to start this author's note by thanking each and every one of you that sent your condolences and prayers for me and my family. It really meant a lot to have so much love pouring in from all of you during a rough couple of weeks. I was thankful to have a couple weeks away from Wattpad to just really spend some time with my family and not have updates looming over me but I am happy to say that I'm back. I know it wasn't the longest break but honestly I am so ready to come back and be with my Wattpad family again and I'm really excited to share these updates with all of you. Again I thank all of you for your patience and support and without further ado...the updates!


Riley's POV

Avoiding your best friend isn't easy but I have to say that after a month it was becoming easier to dismisd my parent's questions as to why Maya has suddenly stopped coming over.

I fed them the story of Maya spending more quality time with her family since Shawn adopted her but I could never tell them the truth.

I couldn't be around my best friend because I was in love with her.

I walk down the steps towards the dining room after doing my homework and my eyes widen as I quickly count the placemats.

There were five.

"Um why is there an extra place set?" I ask rapidly, hoping that perhaps my uncle has decided to pop in.

"Oh Maya came into the bakery this morning before school and I asked her if she'd like to join us."

My heartbeat triples and I feel like I may be sick. This couldn't be happening.

"Mom I told you how busy she is. You shouldn't have sprung this on her so last minute" I insist, shaking my head.

"Riley don't be silly. She was thrilled to get the invitation. She said the two of you haven't had the chance to hang out much lately."

Yea because I don't want her to figure out that I like her!

"Mom I-" I stutter, unsure of what else to say when the speaker box buzzes.

"Hey losers it's Maya" she chirps.

I swallow harshly, dragging my feet towards the box and buzzing her up.

"Auggie, Cory, dinner" my mother shouts up the steps as I make my way back towards the table.

"Finally" Auggie comments as he walks down the steps with dad. "If I had to do one more equation my head was going to explode" he complains as the front door opens and Maya waltzes in.

It's as if my body wakes up when she's around me; my skin gets clamy, my heart races in my chest, my cheeks flush, and a delightful singe of energy runs through my veins.

"Maya" my dad exclaims. "What a nicr surprise."

"I know" Maya smiles, taking a seat beside me. "The surprise for me was that Riles didn't invite me herself" she explains, bumping her shoulder with mine.

"What's been going on with you Maya?" my dad asks curiously and my family falls into comfortable conversation with the girl I'm madly in love with while I spend dinner stuffing my face with the delicious spaghetti my mom made.

"So what happened between the two of you anyway?" my mom asks, catching my attention.

"Um" I stutter.

"You know how high school is" Maya shrugs. "People tell you how you should feel, the pressure to fit in just drives people apart."

"Yea but you're Riley and Maya" my brother interjects.

"I know" Maya says sadly as her hand suddenly wraps around mine making my heart skip a beat. "I miss her" she says, looking at me intently.

"I-I" I stutter. "I need air" I swallow harshly as I stand up and run out of the kitchen and up to my bedroom.

I slam my door shut and collapse onto my bay window in a puddle of tears. I'm sobbing so loudly I don't hear my door opening. I only notice Maya has followed me when she takes a seat beside me. "Riles, honey don't cry" she sighs, reaching forward and wiping my cheeks dry.

"You can't-you can't say things like that to me" I exclaim.

"Why? Because in your head you've already decided that your feelings are one sided?" she demands making my eyes widen. "Honey I've known you like me for a while. I was just waiting for you to make the first move."

I gape at her, at a loss for words. "What?"

She laughs, scooting closer. "Riley I like you too. That's why I agreed to this dinner. I miss you and I want to have you back in my life as more than a friend."

"What?" I repeat making her chuckle as she caresses my cheek.

"Let me put it to you simply" she smirks as she leans in and presses her lips to mine.

I gasp, opening my mouth to her which she fully takes advantage of as she deepens the kiss and the two of us fall into a complete make-out session.

"Do you get it now?" she asks breathlessly as we pull apart.

"Crystal clear" I smile. "So are you my-?" I trail off.

"Girlfriend? I think I'd like that" she replies before leaning back in to kiss me.

Thunder & Lightning: A Collection of Rilaya One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now