Falling For You

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Riley's POV

"Thank you" Maya beams at the young guy that hands us our skates. It was a late winter evening and after months of begging, my girlfriend had finally managed to convince me to go ice skating with her. "Here you go honey" she smiles, handing me my pair. The guy's eyes widen and I roll my eyes internally. Yes we're together. Would you like a picture? Perhaps it would last longer.

"Thanks Peaches" I reply to my girlfriend while she grabs her own skates. We head off to find a space to tie our skates on but the second my girlfriend's eyes land on the ice she's practically bouncing on her heels in excitement.

The crowd around us mumbles annoyed words about the fact that my girlfriend was taking up space around the rink. I sigh, tugging her arm and pulling her to the side. "Isn't this place incredible?" she asks as her eyes drink in the overly decorated rink.

"It's something" I reply nervously. I've never been ice skating and honestly I didn't really get the appeal but Maya loved it and that was enough to finally get me out on the ice.

"Are you excited?" the gorgeous blonde asks me as she looks up from tying her skate, her blue eyes sparkling with excitement. So much excitement that I can't admit that I'm actually terrified so I do what any sane person does, I lie.

"Of course" I smile back at her. I continue to fumble with the laces of my skates long after my girlfriend has stood up signaling that she was ready to go. I sigh as I try again and once again fail. Maya giggles as she kneels down in front of me.

"Need some help sweetheart?" she asks lovingly. I nod and she laces up my skates for me. Once they're done she helps me to my feet and I immediately lose my balance and fall forward right into her. "Woah" she breathes out as she catches me. "You okay?" I nod and she smiles as she helps me stand. "Okay. Come on" she insists as she takes my hand and leads me onto the rink.

She keeps hold of my hand as we begin to glide along the edge of the rink. My nerves begin to subside and I actually begin to enjoy just skating with my girlfriend. We stay this way for a while and I'm finally beginning to feel comfortable when she cuts into our serene moment with a suggestion.

"Wanna try to go out in the middle?" she asks smiling and suddenly my heart has sped up to a dangerous speed and my head screams at the suggestion in protest but this is Maya and I'm quite literally incapable of saying no to her.

"Um okay" I agree as I start to chew my lip again. She pulls me to the center of the rink and lets me go as she starts gliding a bit ahead of me, no doubt expecting me to catch her but without her by my side I'm thrown off balance and I find myself hurtling at the ice.

As soon as I hit the cold, hard ice, I look up to find Maya rushing back over to me, a worried look on her face.

"Oh my gosh Riles are you okay?" she exclaims as she kneels down in front of me, examining my head frantically and scanning my body for any cuts or broken bones making me giggle.

"Peaches I'm okay. I'm just a little klutzy" I admit as I smile up at her, drowning into her blue eyes. "I kinda lied, I've definitely never skated before" I continue to explain making her eyes widen.

"What?" she exclaims, "Riles I never would've left you to skate on your own if you would've told me that" she adds and I nod knowingly.

"I know but I just didn't want to ruin our date" I admit making her gaze on me soften as she grabs my hand in hers.

"You could never" she insists as she helps me to my feet, "now come on, I'll help you" she adds as she holds my hand while we across the ice.

It's going good for a few minutes but eventually I find myself feeling a bit wobbly again, despite Maya's hand firmly in mine. I feel myself start to fall, only this time I bring Maya down with me. She lands on top of me, both of us in a fit of giggles as we look at one another with a loving look.

Suddenly she catches my lips with hers, my lips curling into a smile as we kiss. When we pull apart Maya's eyes are sparkling and a smile is wide on her face.

"Sometimes falling can be just as fun as skating" she murmurs before catching my lips with hers again, leaving us making out in the center of the rink, getting in everyone's way, and not caring in the slightest. 

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