Unconventional Family

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Maya's POV

"I'm pregnant." The words don't seem to register on her face for a long time. It seems that she's processing for an eternity before finally words spill out of her mouth and luckily they aren't in the form of shouting or a string of curse words. 

"Who?" she asks simply and I sigh, taking her hand in mine. 

"You know the answer to that" she replies and I nod solemnly. I knew exactly who she had run to when we had our huge fight five weeks ago. It was the person that Riley always ran to when things got hard. Her ex and current best friend. "I told him I'm keeping it."

"And what was Huckleberry's response?"

"He wanted to know what you thought." Of course he did. Lucas respected Riley and I's relationship enough to back off when things were good between us but the second we started fighting he was there to pick up the pieces and help his princess. I still remembered the day that Riley broke up with him for me. He was in disbelief, convinced that being with me was a phase and that she's go back to him. Of course she did go back to him every fucking time. 

"I think you shouldn't have fucked him" I sigh, standing up and running my fingers through my long blonde locks. "Riles do you know how frustrating it is to still be in a love triangle with him? I thought eventually you would figure out which one of us you wanted to be with-."

"I did figure it out" she exclaims, standing up and walking towards me. "I just-I got plastered and he made me feel better. I'm so sorry."

"What do you want me to say Riley? That I'm happy? That I want to raise Huckleberry's baby?" 

She takes my hand in hers. "It's my baby too." I clench my eyes shut and release a deep breath. I knew it would be hard but at this point I had no choice. I was too far gone to ask her to leave. I loved this woman more than I loved myself and despite the small detail of the baby not being mine I knew I'd love it just as much as if it were. 

"Fine" I concede. "I'll stay."


"Morning" I murmur, kissing my wife's neck. She giggles, turning around to face me and giving me a proper kiss on the lips. 

"Good morning Peaches" she replies sleepily. My heart swells as I wrap my arm around her. It had been four years since that dreaded day when Riley told me she was pregnant and within that time I had popped the question and put a wedding band on the brunette's finger as well as stayed by her side as she brought another person's child into the world. 

Lily Matthews was an adorable, clumsy little girl that reminded me so much of her mother that it hurt. She had the same green eyes as her father and his athletic ability but she was a mama's girl all the way. Lucas picked her up from preschool everyday and he had custody of her every other weekend. He and I got along better than we did as teenagers but I think there would always be hostility between us. I hated him because he could give Riley a baby and he hated me because in the end she chose me. 

"How're you feeling?" I ask worriedly. Ever since we've started our fifth round of IVF she hadn't been feeling well. It was kicking her ass honestly but we both were set on expanding our family and we weren't going to give up easily. 

"Better. Nervous about the appointment today" she replies softly. "What if it didn't work...again?" she asks, running her fingers through my hair. 

"Then there's always adoption" I remind her gently. "We'll have more kids Riles. Don't worry." She nods and I smirk as I push her onto her back. "I know what'll make you feel better."

"Oh?" she asks, reaching up to press her lips to mine but before we can even start there's a knock on the door. 

"Mommy I want pancakes."

Riley laughs, shaking her head at me. "And you insist she's not yours. Me and Luke hate pancakes."

I shrug. "The girl has taste" I tease as I climb off my wife and walks towards the door, pulling it open and crouching down to get on Lily's level. 

"What kind do you want?"

"Chocolate" she exclaims and I giggle. "Please mom." My heart swells. She may not be my blood but every time she said mom I got chills. She was my little girl and no one could argue that. 


I clutch Riley's hand while the doctor tries to find something on the ultrasound. "If it's a boy can we exchange it for a girl?" Lily asks. Riley and I look down at her and Lucas laughs as he grabs her and puts her back on his lap where she had escaped from. 

"Princess that's not how that works and any baby is a blessing. Got it?"

She looks at him confusedly. "No. I want a tea party buddy." I laugh. 

"Luke I think she's set on this one." He rolls his eyes, kissing the top of his daughter's head before we all turn our gazes back onto the screen. I can tell the doctor is about to give us the same spiel that we always get when suddenly I hear it. "Holy shit" Lucas murmurs. 

The strong heartbeat resonates through the room and Riley immediately bursts into tears. "Congratulations" the doctor beams. 

Riley turns towards me and I lean down to press a long, loving kiss to her lips. "Thank you for never giving up on me" Riley murmurs as we pull apart.

I shake my head. "Don't thank me yet. I still have forever to annoy you." The room breaks into laughter and my heart swells. My family may be unconventional but it was my family and I loved it and would for the rest of my life. 

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