Extraordinary Memories

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A/N: Riley and Maya will forever go down in history as one of the best relationships in history. Even though their story technically ends today they will live on in my heart forever. It's hard to believe that today is really the day we're all being forced to say goodbye to this amazing show and the two most amazing girls on the planet. I couldn't imagine my life without Riley and Maya and I love that I have been able to find joy in continuing their story in my writing. Since we're saying goodbye today I wanted to write a one-shot to dedicate to the amazing show that has changed my life forever. It's not the last one shot but I wanted to write something to say goodbye to Girl Meets World in my own way. I hope you all enjoy it and don't forget to tune in to say goodbye tonight.

Thunder. Lightning. Forever.


*Inspired By: This Time by Lea Michele as Rachel Berry*

Maya's POV

"These halls I've walked a thousand times, heartbreaks and valentine's, friends of mine"

"Not again" I sigh as I walk up to my girlfriend whose curled up in a ball against her locker, much like the time we were forced to go to health class when that girl didn't like her. "Who doesn't like you now honey?" I ask curiously as I sit down next to her.

"It's not that. I don't want to leave Maya" she cries as I sigh, pulling the tall brunette into my arms.

"I know honey" I say softly as I stroke her hair. "But we have to."

"No we don't. We haven't even thrown confused freshman into the hole. I haven't deleted my Abigail Adams profile page yet. We have to learn more about each other, we can't go yet" she insists quickly as I shake my head.

"Honey we graduate in like five minutes" I reply gently.

"No. I don't wanna" she pouts making me chuckle as I pull her tighter, starting to sing.

"Lay your head down little nut job" I sing making her giggle as I continue to sing, stroking her hair. Once the song ends I realize her crying has seemingly stopped, making a smile spread across my face.

"You ready to go now?" I ask as she shakes her head.

"There are too many memories to just leave behind. Go pull the fire alarm sassy troublemaker" she insists making me laugh.

"Only if you'll be my safety buddy" I smirk making a smile pull at her lips.

"Anytime Peaches" she smiles as she leans in to kiss me.

"Honey Nugget and Cotton Candy face, you are both gonna miss graduation" Zay says, his voice breaking us apart.

"Come on Riles" I smile as I grab her hand, leading her to the gym.

"This time no one's gonna say goodbye, I keep you in this heart of mine"

We all sit in our seats hand in hand until our names being called pull us apart. We all cling to one another as they name us as high school graduates and the second our caps fly off our heads we all end up in a group hug.

"I don't want to go. Let's just stay here" Riley says seriously as she tightens her grip on me and I'm assuming Lucas since he's on the other side of her.

"Riles loosen your grip" Lucas laughs. "We're not leaving each other, we couldn't even if we wanted to" he admits with a laugh.

"That's because people change people" I smile as they all nod, tears streaming down their faces. "We all changed each other which is why we will never, ever truly be apart."

"Even though we're going to different schools we will always have our memories and our love for one another" Smackle says seriously.

"Plus we'll probably visit each other all the time" Farkle adds with a laugh.

"We aren't saying goodbye" I say adamantly. "We could never say goodbye." Everyone nods in agreement as silence falls around us, our tears falling to the floor in an endless stream.

"I love you guys" Riley says sweetly as we all fall back into each other's arms.

"I'll carry where we all began, this time that we had I will hold forever"

"We have to bring it to our dorm" Riley says adamantly making me laugh as we sit on the bay window later that night.

"Riles we can't bring the bay window to college with us" I laugh as I take her hand in mine.

"Well we certainly can't leave it. Maya this window is too important, it holds too many memories to leave it behind."

My head is suddenly filled with the memories of me and Riley on this window.

The day we met, when I heard her singing and we agreed to be friends forever. The same day she decided to call me Peaches.

The day we started seventh grade. I climbed into the window just as I have every day since I was seven. Both of us climbing out the window instead of using the front door before heading down to the subway.

The countless times I'd come in through the window just to talk, to sit beside her.

The time she thought I was bullying her, when in fact she was being bullied by someone else. When we barricaded the window so Huckleberry couldn't get in only to have him break through everything.

The time after the ski lodge when we had thought we had found our happiness with Josh and Lucas only to realize that the real extraordinary relationship was ours.

Those memories and many more flood my mind and I don't even realize it but tears have started to fall from my eyes.

"I love you Riley" I say softly as I look up at her sweetly, squeezing her hand.

"I love you too Peaches" she replies through her tears. "I'm gonna miss the bay window."

"Me too honey but we'll always have the memories and each other and that's what's important."

Thunder?" she asks as she raises her hand up in the air making a smile pull at my lips.

"Lightning" I reply sweetly.

"Forever" we exclaim in unison as we fall into each other's loving arms creating a puddle of tears on the bay window.

Thunder & Lightning: A Collection of Rilaya One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now