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Maya's POV

Growing up around Riley's family was a blessing. When my dad left my mom began working crazy hours and thus I was left alone a lot of the time but because I had Riley's family I was never truly alone. I would go over to her house to study, eat dinner and over the years I felt that I was a part of the family.

Nowadays being around Riley's family was nerve-wracking. Everytime I spent time with them I felt that I was walking on egg shells trying to keep mine and Riley's secret safe but it felt impossible that they didn't notice our prolonged stares or our banter that had admittedly turned flirtatious in the past year or so.

Tonight is no different with me and Riley setting the table while Topanga cooks. "Maya" Riley laughs as I scoot her plate a smidge closer to mine. "Behave" she mouths as she moves it back. I roll my eyes and continue my way around the table, hastening my steps until I'm right behind her.

"Boo" I whisper causing her to jump while a giggle falls from my lips.

"Maya" she yelps, turning and slapping me on my arm.

"You girls are so silly" Topanga laughs as she places the noodles in the center of the table. I smile, brushing past my girlfriend and continuing my way around the table, once again moving her plate closer to mine.

Topanga calls everyone down to eat and Riley takes her seat beside me and my hand immediately finds hers under the table. I scoot closer to her little by little as Topanga begins passing the noodles until I'm close enough to feel the heat radiating off her skin. "So, how was school today?" Cory asks curiously as the pasta is passed to me and I release his daughter's hand to take it.

"Today was a bad day. Ava sat with Aaron at lunch today" Auggie complains and I give him a sympathetic smile. Auggie and Ava were currently in middle school and things had gotten a little rocky between them.

"It'll get better Aug" Riley encourages him as I pass her the pasta. She smiles. "Thanks babe" she says and my eyes widen while she mindlessly piles pasta onto her plate.

"What?" Cory asks as Riley pauses her movements and the pasta bowl hovers in the air.

"Shit" Riley murmurs. She puts the bowl down and turns her head to look at me. "It just slipped out" she whispers and I nod in understanding as I take her hand in mine and we turn and face her parents.

"Did you just call Maya 'babe'?" Auggie asks confused and she slowly nods her head.

"H-how long has this been going on?" Topanga asks softly while Cory sits at the head of the table seemingly speechless.

"A while" I reply. "A long while" I add honestly. I'd been dating Riley for over a year in secret.

"And you didn't think to tell us?" she exclaims.

"All this time I thought it was Lucas I was supposed to be worried about" Cory says dazedly. "But it was you. The amount of times we left the two of you alone, the countless sleepovers we allowed" he trails off, shaking his head.

Her dad had a point there. By lying about our relationship we took advantage of their assumption that we were two straight girls who didn't spend countless nights fooling around in her bed.

"We're sorry" I murmur. "We were just worried-."

"Do not finish that sentence" Topanga exclaims. "You know we would never be upset at the two of you for being yourselves. If you want to be together then fine but don't lie to us about it and take advantage of our trust."

I glance at Riley and she has tears pooling her in eyes. "We're really sorry. I just couldn't help but worry about losing all of you. I couldn't live without you guys" she cries.

"You'd never lose me sis" Auggie says and I finally lose it, allowing tears to fall down my face. "Either of you" he adds and I smile as I stand up and move towards him to hug him. He may not be my little brother but he was the closest I'd ever get and I adored him.

"I love you Aug."

"Love you too" he chuckles. The rest of us share hugs and a few more tears are shed before finally we all calm down a bit and gather back around the table to finish dinner.

"So, tell us everything. How did Riley and Maya become a couple?" Topanga asks and Riley and I share a smile before diving into the story.

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