Staying Cool

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Riley's POV

People say you don't truly know someone until you live together. I always thought those people were insane until I moved in with my girlfriend Maya and our air conditioning went out. Maya and I are sitting on the couch in our living room with a fan sitting on the coffee table, equally blowing on the two of us. I'm trying to enjoy the day despite the fact that it's literally eighty-seven degrees in the apartment.

Maya has her feet kicked up on the table and though she doesn't think I notice, she's nudging the fan with her foot, moving it closer and closer to herself and further away from me. "Maya" I warn during a commercial break.

"Hm?" she asks innocently, purposely not looking at me.

"Peaches it's too hot in here for you to hog the fan" I complain as I reach forward and scoot it back to the middle making Maya turn to look at me annoyed.

"I'm hot."

I laugh, a smile pulling at my lips. "Tell me something I don't know" I reply as the show comes back. I settle back onto the couch but it's abruptly interrupted by the television shutting off. I turn my gaze to my girlfriend, my mouth falling open. "What the heck?" I ask in confusion.

"I'm hot huh?" she smirks as she moves the fan back so it's only blowing on her. "How hot am I?" she whispers, leaning forward to kiss me, her lips quick and insistent against mine. A moan slips past my lips as I deepen the kiss, her hands grabbing my waist and pulling me until I'm on her lap. "Now the fan's on both of us" she mumbles breathlessly making me chuckle as I crash my lips back onto her's.

I grab the hem of her shirt, both of us pulling away long enough to throw it onto the floor. "Survival of the hottest 101" I smirk, "less is more" I breathe out making her laugh as she caresses my cheek, slipping her tongue back into my mouth as her lips land back on mine. She reaches behind me for the zipper on my dress, pulling it down, her hands resting above my ass.

We pull back again, our eyes blazing into one another's breathlessly. She pulls down the straps of my dress letting the material pool in my lap. The fan's breeze sends goosebumps up my spine, a delicious chill spreading through my body. "You good?" she asks sweetly, her hand moving up my back, not so discreetly working up to my bra.

"Beyond" I reply happily before crashing my lips onto her's.


"We need more fans" Maya says breathlessly, her head falling back against the couch. Her body was still shaking beneath mine, her fingernails prying themselves from my back.

"Or we need to not have sex on the hottest day of the year" I laugh as I lean forward, resting my bare chest against my girlfriend's. I lock my arms around her neck and smile, pecking her lips. "But for the record I'll get hot and sweaty with you anytime."

"Riley Matthews" she exclaims, "when did you become the dirty one?"

"Um just now" I reply, "don't you remember, my fin-."

"Okay" she laughs, cutting me off by putting her hand over my mouth. "I appreciated that by the way."

"I know what you like" I shrug as I climb off of her. "And" I smirk as I lie back on the couch, "now I get to sit back and let you have your way with me" I whisper, lying on my back, my chest riding and falling quickly in anticipation.

"Baby we don't have enough fans to keep you cool for what I'd do to you" she replies as she climbs on top of me.

"Try me" I whisper seductively making her smirk as she lands back on top of me.


"Hot day isn't it?" the sales clerk at Target asks as he rings up the fans Maya and I were purchasing. I stifle a laugh as I nod.

"The hottest" I squeak out as I sign. "Have a lovely day."

"You too. Stay cool" he adds as the two of us head out of the store.

"Ready to go home and stay cool?" Maya smirks.

I smile and lean in to kiss her, my lips lingering on her's, "ready" I smirk before climbing back in the car and heading home. 

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