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Maya's POV

When Josh came to me and told me that he wanted to throw a Halloween party at our small, off-campus apartment I thought he was crazy but now, leaning against the counter in our kitchen with a red solo cup in my hand I was sure this was the best idea ever. "Have you seen Josh?" a tall brunette asks me as she approaches me.

I have seen Josh. I watched him take a blonde into his bedroom about ten minutes ago but there was no way I was telling this girl. They had dated briefly his freshman year, breaking things off before the holiday season even began but evidently she was too good in bed to let loose permanently. Unfortunately she was the clingy type and Josh was not. "Don't know" I shrug, taking another sip of my beer.

A knock on the door catches my attention causing me to push off the counter. "I gotta go Soph I'll see you later" I wave off as I make my way to the door. I pull it open and come face to face with a beautiful brunette with chocolate brown eyes. She's standing there with measuring cup which causes me to furrow my eyebrows at her in confusion.

"Um" I chuckle, "hi."

"Hi" she replies. "I'm sorry. I heard the party from down the hall and I figured this would be a long shot" she giggles.

"But you need some sugar" I smirk, leaning against the open door.

She blushes, averting her eyes for a brief second. "Kinda. I'm baking a cake."

"A cake?" I quirk an eyebrow at her. "On Halloween?" I laugh in disbelief.

"Parties aren't really my thing" she says. "I'm really sorry I bothered you" she trails off as she turns to start away down the hall.

I watch her go for a brief moment, admiring the girl's figure. She was sexy as hell but not in an over the top way, more like a demure, surprising way. "Hey" I shout, catching her attention. She turns back around intrigued. "Come on. I think I might have some sugar" I smile, motioning my head towards my apartment.

"I don't know" she says softly.

"Oh come on" I smile. "It's just a party."

She looks towards the door and brings her bottom lip between her teeth. "Okay" she gives as she makes her way back towards me. "But only because I really wanna finish my cake" she smiles making me chuckle.

"Okay" I give without protest, leading her back to the apartment. I pull open the door and lead her back towards the kitchen, dodging party goers as we go. "Just hold on a second" I say as I reach forward for the sugar canister on the counter. "How much do you need?"

"Do you have a boyfriend?" she asks taking me by surprise. I laugh, shaking my head.

"Yea, n-."

"Gorgeous" Josh smiles as he walks into the kitchen. "Who is this?" he asks, pointing to the brunette.

"Our neighbor" I shrug. "She needed some sugar."

"Yea?" he quirks an eyebrow. "Have fun" he smirks as he walks off into the abyss of the crowd.

"Sorry about that. How much do you need?"

"He's cute."

I laugh again. "I guess. He's not my type though" I shrug. "Now will you tell me how much sugar you need?" I laugh.

"Why isn't he your type?" she asks, stepping towards me.

"Um" I tap my nails on the counter. "He's a guy" I say simply. "But why does it-." My question is cut off my her lips crashing onto mine. I'm taken back but the taste of her kiwi lip gloss soon takes over my senses as I pull her closer. I deepen the kiss, leaving the two of us in the middle of the kitchen making out. When I finally have to pull away I'm breathless and stunned.

"I didn't really need sugar" she confesses.

I laugh, caressing her cheek. "Really? Cause I need a little more" I smirk as I lean back into kiss her.

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