Betrothed to Another

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Becoming betrothed is a part of being a princess. I knew that from the second I was old enough to understand what the word meant.

Of course, as years went on the word became my reality and my life was suddenly no longer mine to live as I wanted.

Growing up, I would go to my classes and listen to the gossipy way the girls all spoke about boys, about how they pictured their perfect weddings to be but I never saw it.

And when I got older and my classmates started kissing and trading crushes like cards, it became apparent that I was different...because I wasn't dreaming of the cutest boy but rather the most beautiful girl.

Her name was Riley. She was a little younger than me with long brunette hair and chocolate brown eyes to match and within seconds of knowing her, I knew she was the one but it didn't matter. Not only was she presumably straight and uninterested but I couldn't marry a woman. It was my duty to marry a man of wealth and good standing and produce heirs...or at least that's what my father said when he spoke to me between affairs.

Nevertheless, I became friends with the girl and by the time my bethrothal was nearing, we were inseparable.

"You should meet my uncle" she said one night as we were lying in my bed thinking up potential suitors for me. "You'd love him. He's basically me but as a male."

Nothing sounded better. So, it was settled.

Our engagement was announced on my eighteenth birthday and while I was all smiles for the camera, inside I was withering away. Josh caught me crying that very same night, mourning the life I'd never be able to have.

I told him everything, from the questioning years, to realizing that I was attracted to girls and finally, admitting that I was in love with his niece. And while I expected him to be angry and call off the engagement, he had surprised me with his support and understanding.

Now, the night before our wedding we were meant to be avoiding each other, bad luck and all but instead I was in his room, lying on his bed as per usual while he tried to talk me into doing something drastic on my last night as a single gal. "You could go find Riley" he smirks, wiggling his eyebrows. I roll my eyes.

We've had this arguement more times than I can count. "Josh-."

"What?" He groans, sitting up and glaring at me. "After tomorrow, we're stuck together for the rest of our lives...and that comes with expectations. Do you really want to waste your virtue on me when you could give it to the person you really love?"

I bite my lip, hating that our marriage was expected to produce heirs. Josh was pretty to look at and we'd probably make cute kids but being intimate with him just seemed as if it would be weird and awkward.

"What are you suggesting? I go seduce her?" He shrugs and I grow frustrated, climbing off his bed to pace the floor. "Even if I did" I reply, not exactly conceding or arguing. "What would that mean for us? For the wedding?"

"Maya" he exclaims, frustration clear in his tone. "Would you for once, just follow your damn heart and stop worrying about everyone else. Seriously. Go find Riley and tell her you love her."

"Love her?"

"Just say it" he groans. I roll my eyes, turning to leave just to end this pointless argument. There was no way I could actually muster up the courage to go and see Riley. So, I'd go back to my own room.

What Josh didn't know wouldn't kill him.

But surprisingly, there's a tall brunette outside my bedroom door when I arrive. The only person that's ever made my heart skip a beat. I stare at her, biting into my lip before finally speaking. "Riley?"

"Maya." She jumps, turning to look at me. "I-I was looking for you. Were you with Josh?"

I nod my head, taking a careful step towards her. "Yea. I was. He was uh trying to convince me to do something crazy before the wedding tomorrow. You know, enjoy my last night of being me."

Riley purses her lips. "Did he make any to what you were supposed to do?"

I don't exactly know how to reply to her question and I can tell by the way she's looking at me that I've already taken too long to answer. So, I blurt out the first thing that comes to mine. "He suggested I experiment." I regret everything, my whole existence, in that moment. Experiment? Like a college girl? Ugh. Why am I like this?

"Experiment with what?" She steps a tad closer to me and my heart skyrockets out of my chest. "Drugs?"

I can't help but laugh. My poor, innocent Riley. "No honey." I experimentally take a step closer to her. "With my feelings" I whisper, locking eyes with her.

She swallows harshly and I swear, her eyes flicker down towards my lips. "What feelings?"

I can't take it. The close proximity, the husky, quiet way she speaks. I have to kiss to her. And so I do and much to my surprise, she kisses me back.

She urges my mouth open with her tongue, pushing me against the door and I'm surprised that she's the dominant one in all this but I can't complain because I've never been kissed this way, so passionately. "Riles." I pull back just to look at her. "Come to bed with me."

"I'm not tired" she argues. I smirk, caressing her cheek.

"Oh honey. We aren't sleeping." A matching smirk tugs at her lips as I turn the knob on my door and we stumble into my room.

A/N: I'm not even going to bother to act mysterious. Part two will be happening soon 😊

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