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Riley's POV

People only have landlines for a few reasons. One, to give to people that you really just do not want to be able to contact you at any moment. Two, so that if you lose your phone you can always call it with your landline and find it easily. And third, you don't want your parents to find out that you're dating your best friend from an accidental butt dial or something so you give them the landline to be safe. "Riles" Maya calls as she walks down the hallway. I sit up, intrigued as to what my girlfriend wants. I'm hoping maybe she's grown bored of binging Bachelor in Paradise and she's coming to serve as a distraction to my never ending homework but when she appears in the doorway of our bedroom with our landline in hand my hopes are quickly dashed.

"Mom and dad?" I mouth and my girlfriend presses her plump lips in a thin line as she nods her head. She used to get along with my parents until she admitted her crush on me in front of the entire family at Josh's graduation party. It wasn't her fault really. Josh guessed and he had quite the big mouth. I sigh, getting up to grab the phone. She holds it just out of my reach and I give her a look that insists that she needs to stop. I loved her dearly but if my parents found out I had reciprocated her romantic feelings and we were an item I wasn't sure what the consequence would be. "Hi mom. Hi dad" I say brightly as my girlfriend finally hands me the phone.

She rolls her eyes as she walks further into the room while I move back to our bed, taking a seat. "What's up?" I ask curiously. My parents called to check in at least once a week. They begin to ramble about random happenings in Greenwich. I pay as close attention as I can manage except my girlfriend has disappeared into the bathroom for almost five minutes and I'm curious as to why. They mention something about Auggie and I'm about to ask them to repeat it when Maya walks out wearing a red lace push up bra and a red lace thong. My eyes widen and my grip on the phone tightens as my mouth goes dry.

She shoots me a smile as she moves towards the dresser. "Riley" my dad says. I snap back to the phone call and clear my throat.

"I'm sorry what?" I ask, my voice coming out squeaky. Maya bends over, opening the drawer of the dresser and my lips part before I physically shut my mouth and swallow harshly. My girlfriend didn't have much of a chest, hence why she practically lived in push up bras but her ass put mine to shame.

"Riley" my mom snaps. I shake my head as Maya stands back up with a pair of jeans in her hands. Fuck. The last thing I wanted was for her to put clothes on. Fuck. My parents would kill me if they knew I've had sex with Maya. They'd kill me if they knew I was fighting hanging up and taking her right now.

"I'm sorry" I apologize as I stand up off my bed. "I'm distracted." Maya smirks as she drops the jeans and stalks towards me.

"By what?" my mom demands. "Is there a boy there?" my dad questions. I laugh. If only he knew that boys were the last thing he needed to worry about.

"No" I reply honestly as Maya grabs my hips and pulls me against her. I was only wearing a nightgown so it wasn't like there was much of a challenge to get access to my skin. She puts her finger to her lips as she kneels down and my eyes widen as she lifts my nightgown and grabs my panties. She glides them down my legs and begins kissing her way back up my thighs. "Guys" I clench my eyes shut as I reach out to grab anything for support. "I um" I stutter as she gets closer and closer. "I'm really busy. Can I call you back?"

"What could you possibly be busy doing? It's a Saturday night" my mom exclaims. Maya groans as she stands up and snatches the phone from my hand.

"Me" she says bluntly. "Riley is busy doing me. Talk to you later Matthews" Maya snaps as she hangs up the phone and tosses it onto the bed. I widen my eyes at her and she shakes her head, stepping back. "Shit. Riley I'm so-." I cut her off by crashing my lips onto hers.

"I love you" I breathe out as we pull apart.

She chuckles, grabbing my waist. "I love you too" she smiles before crashing her lips back onto mine, swiping her arm over the bed to throw all my schoolwork onto the floor. We fall back onto the bed and spend the rest of the evening savoring one another in every possible way. Exhausted and blissful, the two of us lie in bed as the landline rings for the millionth time. "Babe?" Maya questions as she rubs my back comfortingly.

"Hm?" I hum, my eyes closed as my head rests on her stomach.

"Can I please unplug that damn thing?" she asks making me giggle as I nod.

"Sure Peaches" I reply. She quickly jumps out of bed and her naked body sprints to the outlet and pulls the plug. Silence fills the house and it's the most glorious sound I've ever heard. 

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