Español Por Favor

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*Inspired By: What Ifs by Kane Brown*

Maya's POV

"What if I was made for you and you were made for me"

Homework sucks. Sitting beside the beautiful brunette beside me makes it a thousand times better. "I'm gonna get a coffee. You want something babe?" I ask my adorable girlfriend as I stand up.

"Just a coffee" she smiles, knowing I know exactly how she takes it. I nod and make my way up to the counter where my mom is leaning against it awaiting my order.

"Hey baby girl. The usual?" she asks with a smile.

"Of course" I reply as she turns around to make our drinks. I watch Riley erasing something frantically before throwing the pencil across the room in frustration. I bite my lip as I turn back around to gather the coffees from my mom. I walk them back over to our seats and hand Riley hers.

"Thanks" she sighs as she takes the hot beverage from my hands before taking off the cap and blowing on the steam.

"Of course honey" I reply as I relax into the seat, placing my hand on her thigh. "What's wrong?"

"Spanish is hopeless, we're two months away from graduation, Lucas and Zay are moving to Texas, and I just" she lists off rapidly as tears threaten to spill down her cheeks.

"Honey we have two more months together."

"Two more months and then what?" she asks sadly. "We all say goodbye and pretend we all haven't spent the last six years being best friends?"

"Honey what are you really freaked out about?" I ask as I reach for her free hand, rubbing my thumb over her knuckles.

"I saw the email open on your laptop last night when I slept over" she says softly. "Europe is an amazing opportunity Maya."

"Mhm" I agree as I sip my drink.

"You should go" she adds as I nod.

"Okay" I say nonchalantly.

"Okay?" she asks in a panic. "What's gonna happen to us? I can't live without you."

"Honey" I laugh lightly as I place my cup on the table. "We're meant to be don't you think? No distance could ruin us."

"How do you know?"

"What if I just pulled you close, what if I lean in"

"I'll show you" I smirk as I lean forward and press my lips to hers in a soft kiss that she responds to immediately, cupping my face in the palm of her hand as she melts into me.

"Ehm" my mom says making me laugh as I pull back from my girlfriend.

"Yes mom?" I ask playfully.

"Homework" she insists making me roll my eyes as she walks off back behind the counter.

"She's right" Riley says as she gets up to grab her pencil before coming back to sit beside me. "So we're really going to be okay?"

"I believe we'd be just fine if I went to Europe" I reply as her eyebrows furrow in confusion.

"What do you mean if?" she asks confused making me chuckle.

"Honey you said I should go and I agreed. I should go" I explain carefully. "But that doesn't mean I am" I add as her eyes light up before clouding over again.

"But you can't give that up for me" she argues as I shake my head, taking her hand in mine.

"I'm not. I'd be giving it up for me" I assure her. "I promise. Staying around your pretty face is just a bonus."

"Yay" she smiles making me giggle as I reach forward for her worksheet.

"Let me help you" I plead as I reach for her pencil. She agrees as she hands me her pencil.

"What if I loved all these what ifs away"

"See? It's not so bad" I smile as I lean back into my seat once the worksheet is completed. She grabs the worksheet and stuffs it into her backpack before relaxing back into the seat beside me, reaching for my hand.

"That's because I have an amazing tutor" she replies making me smile.

"Oh yea?"

"Si" she replies making me giggle. "Te amo" she adds as my eyes widen. It's possible she doesn't know what she said. We had never said those three words in a romantic way before. Ever. Not in any language.

"Riles do you know what you just said?" I ask frantically as I fight to ignore the pounding of my heart in my chest.

"Mhm" she smiles. "I love you" she says, this time in perfect English. I stare at her in shock, speechless.

"I" stutter. "I love you too" I say finally making a smile pull at her lips.

"In Spanish please" she replies making me chuckle as I lean forward to caress her cheek.

"Te amo" I whisper before pressing my lips to hers. 

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