The Stacks

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Usually I enjoyed working alone at school, I could trust myself to get things done but with a partner you had to rely on a whole nother person. All it managed to do was stress me out, except the project I was working on now. "Riles" Maya beams as she sits down beside me at the table I had reserved for us in the library.

"Hey peaches" I reply as I look over at her. "You ready to get to work?"

"I guess" she shrugs, "right after this" she smirks before leaning over and pressing a quick kiss to my lips making me blush. "Alright I'm good" she smiles making me giggle as we set up our laptops. The project is on a historical figure that has to do with our major. Since I'm an education major and Maya is an art major we're doing a historical person who was important to art education.

"Okay" Maya says as she scrolls through something. "I think I may have foun-."

"Oh yes" we hear suddenly making us turn around in confusion.

"What the he-?"

"God yes" we hear again making us share a laugh.

"Someone is having fun in the stacks" Maya laughs as she turns her attention back to her laptop. I look at her confused.

"The stacks?" I question. She looks up at me with her signiture "my girlfriend is innocent and it's adorable" look that makes me roll my eyes. "What?'

"The stacks is a term that refers to the back of the library where no one goes except when they're looking for a quickie" she explains as I glance behind me and see two students emerging looking smiley and disheveled.

"Oh" I reply, biting my lip. "So do people do that a lot?" I ask making Maya eye me with amusement.

"Um I'm not sure honey. I don't really take a poll" she laughs. "Sweetie why are you freaking out over this?"

"I'm not" I lie making her chuckle.

"You wanna do it?' she asks making my heart stop.


"The stacks. We could" she shrugs acting innocent though her meaning is anything but.

"In the library?" I exclaim.

"Why not?" she laughs.

"Maya" I sigh but she cuts me off with a kiss that leaves me breathless as we pull apart. "Okay" I give. She smiles and takes my hand leading me to the second to last row and pushing me harshly against the shelf. Her lips land on mine while her hand slips under my dress, pressing against me harshly causing a low moan to reverberate from my throat. She pushes my panties to the side and starts with one finger, moving it slowly in and out.

"Maya" I moan as I grab the metal shelf. She adds another and picks up the pace causing me to begin to lose my balance as my orgasm approaches. "Oh fuck" I cry out as I hold the shelf tighter. "Fuck Maya I'm gonna-."

"Riley? Maya?"

"Um" Maya blushes as she stares up at Farkle and Smackle. "Hey."

"What are you doing back here?" Farkle asks.

"It seems they were engaging in a  sexual encounter" Smackle says as if this should be obvious.

"Shit" I sigh as my head falls back and Maya's hand moves to caress my inner thigh.

"We should go" Farkle says as he grabs Smackle's hand.

"But I thought we were going to partake in sexual intercourse" Smackle protests making Farkle's cheeks redden as he stares down at Smackle. I can't help the giggle that bubbles out of me.

"See you ladies later" Farkle says as he grabs Smackle's hand and leads them off.

"Well that was interesting" Maya laughs as her hand starts inching it's way back up. "Shall we finish what we started?"

"I'd be disappointed if we didn't" I reply as I lean in to kiss her.

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