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Maya's POV

When we were in middle school Riley hated sleeping over at my house because of the lights and the noise but eventually she had calmed down and had grown to like the sights and sounds of my house. Or at least I had thought but the past few times she had slept over it had been different, felt off and strange like she was scared of something. I just wish I knew what that something was.

I'm lying awake in bed trying to figure out if Riley is asleep on the floor beside me. We used to share a bed but she moves around too much, it drove me crazy, yet a small part of me missed having her body pressed up against mine. I push the thought away, something I had been doing a lot lately when it came to Riley. I toss and turn until finally I hear her soft voice break me out of my thoughts.

"Peaches are you up?" she asks softly and I think about lying and then I curse myself for even thinking about doing such a thing. This is Riley. Why would I lie to her?

"Yea" I reply finally after a long pause. "Everything okay?" I ask curiously, trying to hide my worry.

"Can't sleep" she sighs as she lies on her back, staring up at the ceiling as her hands rest on her stomach. "I can't stop thinking."

"Thinking?" I ask confused, "you aren't scared?" I add as she looks over at me confused.

"Scared? No. Why would I be scared?" she asks quickly as I raise my eyebrow at her. She was clearly scared.

"Riles no lying. What's up?" I ask as I turn onto my side so I can see her better. I watch her take a deep breath before looking over at me and opening her mouth.

"I think I'm gonna break up with Lucas" she admits making my mouth drop open in shock as I stare down at her. We were seniors in high school, Riley and Lucas had been together since we were freshmen, they were voted most likely to get married. They couldn't break up.

"What? Why?" I ask quickly as my heart starts to speed up. I will it to slow down but that only seems to make it go faster.

"I think I like someone else" she confesses and suddenly her eyes are looking all around my room, looking anywhere but at me. My heart swells as I let myself for one second think she could mean me but that's crazy and I don't like Riley. I mean I don't think I do. Do I?

"Anyone I know?" I ask lightly as she lets out a soft laugh, nodding her head.

"You know her better than anyone" she confesses as she suddenly sits up and looks at me, her eyes sparkling with hope as they stare back into mine. "Have you ever thought what it would be like to kiss a girl?" she asks as I bolt up and stare at her in shock.

"Um" I stutter as I try to push down the voice in my head that reminds me that I've not only thought about kissing girls but one girl in particular since freshman year. Since the confusing moment when I realized it wasn't Lucas I wanted, but a certain brunette, and not the one I left the lodge with but the one who wore my ring and was the thunder to my lightning.

"Um what?" she replies quickly. "Maya I feel like I'm going insane" she confesses as I shake my head adamantly.

"You're not going insane" I assure her, "Riley I think it's normal to question your sexuality" I try lightly but she shakes her head.

"This is beyond questioning Maya" she whisper yells as to not wake up my parents. She suddenly stands up and lands on my bed beside me. I turn towards her and our eyes lock in a way they never have, not in a friendly way but in a questioning way, silently asking one another if we were really about to do this.

Before she has the chance to back out I close the distance and press my lips to hers. Suddenly it's like the world falls into place and I finally understand why it just never felt right with Josh and Lucas. It was Riley, it was always Riley. Her lips respond to my own after she gets over the initial shock and suddenly we're in a heated make out on my bed, my tongue slipping into her mouth as I pull her down onto my bed beside me. When we're both to breathless to continue we pull apart trying to catch our breath as we look at each other in shock.

"So I guess you've thought about it" she laughs lightly making me smile as I nod my head, letting my hand rest on her hip.

"A lot" I confess quietly. "So about this breaking up with Lucas thing" I start as she shakes her head, her finger pressing against my lips to stop me from talking.

"Not tonight" she says as she lets her hand slip behind my neck. "Tonight I'm all yours" she adds as I smile and crash my lips back onto hers. Sleepovers were definitely different but now that our feelings were out there they were anything but awkward.

Thunder & Lightning: A Collection of Rilaya One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now