Perfect Match

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Riley's POV

Working the cafè during the afternoon was incredibly boring. Most people were at work or at school which left the place empty. But it was the only shift I was available to work between classes at NYU so, I was stuck sitting behind the counter, downloading a handful of dating apps for some form of entertainment.

It wasn't that I was looking for something serious but perhaps someone swinging the same way would he nice. I had spent all of high school crushing on uninterested straight girls which led to very limited dating experience.

I download one geared towards the LGBTQ+ community and immediately start swiping.

There are some cute girls and then some that are attractive in their own ways...just not the ways I was into.

I get though a handful until I match with someone. Her profile picture is gorgeous. She's in a sort of field, surrounded by sunflowers with her blonde hair blowing in the wind and her blue eyes sparkling in the sun. Her carefree smile is infectious making my lips quirk up when her message comes through. "Hi."

It's simple. To the point. I like it. "Hi" I reply.

The three little bubbles don't even have time to appear before she hits send. "How're you?"

I look around the empty cafe. "Bored. You?"

"In class, trying to pass the time."

I laugh. "At work, doing the same."

She replies with laughing emojis and my smile widens. I had made her laugh.

We spend the rest of my shift talking until I had to say goodbye to greet my mother who was coming in for the night shift. "Hey mom!" I pocket my phone, looking up at her.

"Hello honey. How was your day?"

I motion to the empty room as I stand up and and she sighs. "Sorry honey."

I shrug her off. My mom felt bad that I had to work the dead shift, especially because it meant I got paid less than if I'd worked the morning or night shift but I realize I didn't mind it too much today. "It's okay. I actually met someone online that held my attention."

My mom's lips quirk into a grin. "A girl?"

"Don't start." My mom had been dying for me to get a girlfriend since I came out to her during high school but since my options were...obsolete, that hadn't happened.

"Do I get to meet her?" She asks impatiently.

I sling my bag over my shoulder. "Mom. We met today."

"Oh whatever" she says dismissively. She waltzes past me, stopping in front of the counter while I sneak around it, heading towards the door. "Oh wait." She stops me as she opens the till.

"Yes?" At this rate I would be late for class.

"There's a new girl starting tomorrow. She'll be leaving when you come in."

"Oh. Okay. That it?"

"Yep. Have a good class!" I assure her that I will and turn to walk out the door.

~ 🥐 ~

I'm actually excited for my shift today. I knew we'd be dead as always but it didn't matter because I had a mission.

To ask Maya out.

I had already been texting her here and there this morning but she had made it clear that she was working and shouldn't be texting. I only rebelled a handful of times, recieving texts back every time.

I push open the door of the bakery and I'm immediately enveloped in the smell of pastries and fresh coffee. My favorite smell in the world.

I head to the counter and put down my things. There's one customer left from the breakfast rush, an older gentleman with an empty plate and a half-drunk cup of coffee. He's probably only be here for ten more minutes and then I'd be alone.

"Oh. You must be my relief." I turn towards the sound of the girl's voice and my eyes widen when we come face to face. She gasps, dropping the coffee pot she was holding. "Shit" she mutters, casting her eyes to the mess on the floor. She kneels down, her hands seeking out paper towels and I follow suit with the paper product in hand.

"Here." Her blue eyes lock onto mine.


She takes the paper towel and starts to clean, handing me the used paper towel to throw away until the mess is gone. We both stand up simultaneously, staring at each other for one long speechless moment. "What are you doing here?" She asks finally.

I chuckle. "My mom owns the place. What are you doing here?"

"Earning tuition" she sighs, looking at the clock. "And speaking of school, I should really be going-." She attempts to leave and as I follow after her I realize that we're indeed alone.

"Wait." I catch up to her before she reaches the door. "Are we seriously going to act like this didn't happen?"


"Fate has brought us together for a reason, don't you think it'd be rude to ignore the universe?"

Her lips quirk into a soft smile. "You believe in the universe?"

"Of course I do" I reply immediately.

She regards me for a moment and I think that she's about to reject me like every girl before her. I brace myself, waiting for the blow that never comes. "What do you suggest we do? To please the universe and the fates?" She asks, hositing her bag higher onto her shoulder. I was surely making her late at this point.

"A date?" I suggest.

She thinks it over for a moment. "Okay" she concedes. "Text me."

"O-okay" I stutter, unsure how to properly react. I had never successfully asked out a girl before.

"See you tomorrow Riles" she says then, grabbing the door handle and walking out the bakery leaving me stunned and excited.

I had a date.

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