A Summer to Remember

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*Inspired By: I Think About You by Ross Lynch as Austin Moon*

Maya's POV

"Last summer we met"

"So what did you do over summer break?" my best friend Josh asks as he sits on my bed in my room, scrolling through his socials while I try to pick out the perfect outfit to wear for the first day of school.

"I was a camp counselor" I reply nonchalantly though any mention of this summer makes my heart flutter.

"So was my niece" he laughs lightly. "I wonder if you met her."

"I wonder" I smile as a flashback consumes my mind.

"I'm Riley, I'm the counselor for the five to seven group" the tall brunette says as she holds out her hand. We had just gotten to camp a little over an hour ago and while the campers were settling in we were encouraged to get to know some of our fellow counselors.

"Maya. Middle school counselor" I smile as I take her hand in mine, a shock of electricity running through me.

"It's nice to meet you" she replies sweetly, melting me with her chocolate brown eyes as she stared at me. Maybe this summer wouldn't be so bad after all.

"Maya" Josh says pulling me out of my thoughts as I stare at him blankly.

"I'm sorry what?" I ask confused as I look at him.

"Nothing Nevermind" he laughs as he climbs off the bed. "Come on we're gonna be late for class."

"We started as friends, I can't tell you how it all happened"

Josh just had to bring up summer vacation. I was fine, I hadn't thought about Riley...that much. Still I was doing an okay job and now I'm consumed by thoughts of her again.

"Are you okay?" a sweet black haired girl asks as she looks at me worriedly.

"Hm, oh yea I'm fine" I lie as I shoot her a smile. How did this even happen? How did this girl, a friend, become everything?

"Are you coming to the counselor pier party?" Riley asks as she stands in the doorway of my cabin, a smile on her face.

"Are you gonna be there?" I ask teasingly as I look up at the girl.

"Only if you go" she replies smiling.

"Count me in."


"I'm not getting in that water" I exclaim as Riley motions for me to join her in the lake.

There were a couple reasons getting in the lake was a bad idea. One, I could get sick. I know it's not likely but still. Two, I'm not the best swimmer in the universe. But third and most importantly, I was falling fast and hard for the beautiful brunette wading in the water and the last thing I wanted to do was make a move and get rejected. I had to stay on ground where it was safe.

"Hey shooting star" Riley suddenly says making me look up but when I do I suddenly feel her arm hooking around my ankles, making me fall right into the lake.

"Riles" I exclaim as I spit out water, pushing my long blonde locks out of my face.

"What?" she asks innocently.

"I hate you" I laugh as I look at her, finally clearing the blurry vision the water had caused.

"No you don't" she says softly as she wades over to me. "You like me" she whispers as she grabs my waist, "and I like you too" she adds and suddenly her lips are on mine.

"Class dismissed" my professor announces pulling me out of my thoughts again. I sigh as I stand up, heading out of the classroom only to run into someone.

"Oh my god I'm so sorry" I say quickly as my eyes flit up to the person I ran into, my breath catching when I do.

"I think about you"

"Riley" I exclaim as I look up at the brunette in shock.

"Maya" she exclaims as she pulls me into her arms. "Finally. Josh said you went here" she adds with a soft laugh. Gosh I missed that laugh.

"Josh? You know Josh?"

"I told you my niece was a counselor at a camp" Josh smirks as he wraps his arm around his niece's shoulders. "You're welcome."

"I actually love you right now" I admit making Josh laugh as he shrugs.

"I try" he smiles as he kisses Riley on top of the head. "See you girls later" he adds as he walks off leaving Riley and I alone.

"What are you doing here?" I ask confused.

"You are kinda hard to get out of a person's head" she admits with a laugh. "Josh had mentioned that his best friend was a counselor this summer. I pushed a little and figured out it was you. I had to see you again. I was never gonna get anything accomplished with you running around in my head."

"I can't believe you're here. I've been thinking about you all morning" I admit making a blush rise on Riley's cheeks.

"Maybe we should get some coffee" she suggests as I nod.

"I'd like that" I smile as I look up at her. "I'm free now."

"So am I" she replies as she takes my hand in hers. "Let's go."

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