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A/N: Happy Valentine's Day  Readers!!!


Maya's POV

"What are you guys doing?" I ask Farkle and Lucas as I walk up to my locker finding the two of them huddling around the space.

"Nothing" they reply in unison making me look at them expectantly as I cross my arms across my chest.

"I don't believe you" I admit as my best friend comes up next to me, linking her arm with mine.

"What's wrong?" Riley asks curiously as she looks between the three of us.

"The boys are hiding something" I reply quickly making Lucas moan in annoyance.

"We aren't hiding anything" Lucas insists though I still don't believe him. "Look I gotta go or Jenny is gonna kill me" he adds as he kisses Riley's cheek before walking off. After Riley broke up with Huckleberry for reasons unbeknownst to me he fell for another girl in our grade named Jenny. I was worried it would bother Riley but she seemed less than affected.

"What are you ladies doing for Valentine's Day?" Farkle asks curiously as he looks at both of us with a smile on his face.

"Netflix of course" Riley replies with a smile. "They finally put the new season of Red Planet Diaries up" she adds causing my eyes to widen in excitement.

"Wait really?" I exclaim as I look over at my best friend. "We can finally see the finale" I add as she nods enthusiastically making Farkle laugh.

"Have fun ladies" he says sweetly before slipping away, leaving the two of us alone.

"Bay window at seven" Riley asks causing me to nod.

"It's a date" I reply happily, my heart skipping a beat at my word choice. Date. This wasn't a date. Riley didn't feel that way about me. This wasn't a date.


"That episode was amazing" I exclaim as the credits roll after we finally finish the finale.

"Agreed. But I kinda want some s'mores" she adds making me laugh as I think back to the boy's sleepover and the s'mores Huckleberry made for the party.

"We could try to make our own" I suggest as I stand up, holding my hand out for her to take.

"We're gonna burn down the kitchen" Riley laughs as she takes my hand, following me out to the kitchen.

"Probably" I admit with a laugh as my phone dings showing a text from Lucas.

HUCKLEBERRY: I've been fighting with Farkle all day

I look at the text in confusion as we walk into the kitchen, Riley flitting around the room and pulling out chocolate and graham crackers.

MAYA: I'm sorry....what does this have to do with me?

HUCKLEBERRY: I know why Riley dumped me....

My heart stops as I process the words on my screen. Lucas knows why Riley dumped him. Farkle doesn't want him to tell me. Why?

MAYA: Why?

HUCKLEBERRY: She's in love with you

"Found them" Riley exclaims as she pulls out a bag of marshmallows as I look up at her, locking my blue eyes on her chocolatey brown ones.

"You're in love with me?" I ask questioningly making her eyes widen as her eyes flit down to the phone in my hand.

"Why would you think that?" she asks quickly.

"Because Lucas just told me" I reply as I hold up my phone. "You broke up with him because you realized you had feelings for me. Riles why didn't you tell me?"

"Because there's no way that you'll ever feel the same way" she exclaims as she throws the marshmallows onto the table.

"Um did you maybe think to ask me if maybe I did?" I shout in annoyance as I look at her intently.

"I didn't want to lose you" she replies as tears fill her eyes.

"You won't ever lose me" I insist as I close the distance between us. "Riles I love you too" I admit making her look up at me in shock.

"What?" she asks in disbelief.

"I love you too" I repeat, louder this time as I bring my hand up to caress her cheek and suddenly her lips are on mine for a quick second before she pulls back.

"Happy Valentine's Day Peaches."

"Happy Valentine's Day Riles."

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