Getting Advice

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Riley's POV

"Sweetheart" my mom calls up to my room. I quickly send off my text to Lucas before calling back.

"Yea?" I ask curiously as my phone dings with another text from Lucas. I look down at it and sigh. Lucas and I had been arguing all day about whether or not I should finally tell Maya how I feel about her. I was on the side of never going to happen while he was convinced I should just admit how I feel.

"Maya's here" she shouts making me drop my phone in shock. Maya wasn't supposed to come over today, we didn't have anything planned.

"Um" I stutter as I climb off my bed. "I'll be down in a second." I run over to my mirror and check my hair. After running my fingers through my hair a few times I deem it good enough and head downstairs. "Hey Peaches" I greet her making a smile pull at her lips.

"Hey Riles" she replies, running her fingers through her blonde locks.

"What are you doing here?" I ask curiously. "Did we have plans?" I ask worriedly.

"No" she chuckles as she walks towards me. "Since when do I have to give notice" she asks amusedly. "You're lucky I didn't just climb in the window."

I laugh and shake my head in amusement. "Why didn't you?" I ask curiously as I motion for her to follow me upstairs.

"I'm wearing a dress" she points out making my chuckle as I look down and notice she's wearing a red dress with a sweetheart neckline. She looks gorgeous not like that's shocking. We walk into my room and I shut the door behind me.

"Alright so not that I don't love seeing you" I smile genuinely. "What are you doing here Peaches?"

"Just missed you" she shrugs as she moves to take a seat on my bed. "School sucks but at least we had an excuse to see each other every day."

"Do we need an excuse?" I ask with a chuckle as I move to take a seat beside her.

"No" she shakes her head, a smile pulling at her lips. Silence falls around us only to be broken by the sound of my phone ringing. "Oh who are you texting?" she smirks as she grabs my phone. My eyes widen as I reach forward to grab it.

"Maya" I exclaim but I'm too late. Her eyes widen as she reads whatever it is that Lucas has sent me.

"You should just tell her how you feel. What's the worst that could happen?" she reads, her eyes bugging out of her head as her lips part in shock.

"You have a crush?" she exclaims. "On a girl?"

"What? No" I exclaim as I grab my phone from her hands. "Lucas just sucks at pronouns" I lie but Maya knows me, she knows when I lie.

"Yea?" she quirks an eyebrow at me. "Let me see your phone" she demands.

"What?" I exclaim. "No" I shout.

"No? Riley we tell each other everything. I'd give you mine" she says defensively but I shake my head.

"You don't need to see my phone."

"What are you hiding from me?" she asks sadly, her lips turning to form a frown. "We don't keep things from each other."

"I'm sorry" I say softly.

"Why are you sorry. Honey I'm not gonna judge you if you like a girl. I don't care who you date as long as you're happy."

"Peaches" I sigh. "I just can't tell you."

"Why?" she demands in frustration, standing up and stepping towards me.

"Because" I throw my hands up in frustration. "It's you" I murmur. Her eyes widen and she takes a step back.

"Me?" she questions. I nod my head as tears fill my eyes.

"I'm sorry" I repeat causing her to seemingly snap back to reality.

"Sorry?" she questions. "Riles you don't have to be sorry. Why didn't you tell me?" she asks as she takes a step back in my direction.

"Because I didn't want to lose you" I admit sadly. She shakes her head and closes the distance between us.

"You could never lose me" she assures me making a smile pull at my lips. "It was just a bit of a shock."

"I'm so-."

"Don't apologize again" she cuts me off. "Don't ever apologize for your feelings, for being who you are."

"Okay" I reply softly making a smile pull at her lips.

"Good" she smiles, "now how long have you had a crush on me?" she asks playfully.

"Wouldn't you like to know" I tease.

"And why did Huckleberry know?" she exclaims making me burst into laughter.

"Because I was scared of how you would react" I exclaim.

"Me? Why?" she asks confused. "Did you think I'd hate you or something?"

"Kinda" I shrug making her roll her eyes.

"I could never" she assures me. "I love you Riles."

"I love you too Peaches."

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