Running Away

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*Inspired by: Curious by Hayley Kiyoko*

Maya's POV

"I need a've been out of reach, could you explain? I think that you should. What you been up to? Who's been loving you good?"

I down another drink much to the amusement of Zay who continues to refill my drink while my eyes stay blazing on Riley. I watch as she flits around the party, never staying with one person too long and my interest is piqued. I knew that there had to be someone at this party that she was hooking up with because that's just how Riley and I's relationship worked.

I was out, she wasn't and so we'd hook up in secret for months on end before Riley would get in her head and start questioning everything again. She'd go radio silent and start sleeping around with some guy until she finally comes to her senses and comes back to me. "Do you think Riley's sleeping with anyone?" I ask Zay curiously. He rolls his eyes. He was just as annoyed with our relationship as I was.

"I have no idea Maya" he replies in annoyance. "But I wish she'd start screwing you again so you'd be in a better mood" he snips. I ignore his snide comment and watch as she makes her way towards Lucas and drapes her body over his. My blood boils as I watch his hands travel towards her ass.

"I need something harder than this shit" I insist as I brush past Zay and raid the bar. He steps back and lets me scour the alcohol selection until I find something that will maybe help me forget all about the enticing brunette and her never-ending games.

"Calling me up, so late at night, are we just friends? You say you wanted me, but you're sleeping with him"

The party ends early in the morning and I stumble into my place around three. I immediately crash onto my bed and pass out only to be woken up seemingly minutes later by my phone blaring on the nightstand. I pick it up and realize that it's actually been about two hours and I'm surprisingly much more sober than I was when I stumbled in a couple hours ago. "Hello" I answer drowsily.

"Oh I uh wasn't planning on you answering your phone. I was just going to leave you a message." My eyebrows quirk up at this.

"Oh? What were you gonna say?" I ask curiously. This was always how it started, she'd call me feeling guilty about sleeping with some guy instead of me and somehow she'd end up back in my bed within a day.

"I miss you" she murmurs and a smile tugs at my lips.

"I miss you too baby" I reply, lying back on the bed. "How much do you miss me?" I ask curiously. I hear her shuffling around and it's obvious that she's leaving someone's bed.

"More than I could ever put into words" she says suggestively.

A smirk pulls at my lips. "Hm sounds like you have an interesting problem there babe. However will you solve it?" I tease.

"Are you alone?" she asks, fear seeping into her voice. No matter how many times Riley would leave me and attempt to will away her sexuality by sleeping with other guys I could never bring myself to sleep with another girl. I knew it would mean nothing to me and I didn't want some girl getting attached to me when I was emotionally unavailable.

"Of course I am baby. You wanna come over?"

"I-I" she stutters. "I'll be there in five minutes" she says finally and I smile victoriously.

"See you soon baby."

"If you let him touch ya the way I used to"

"Why do you keep leaving me?" I murmur as we lie in bed wrapped in nothing but sheets. She sighs, placing her hand over mine.

"I'm scared Maya" she admits softly. "It's all so easy for you-."

"You think it's easy to watch you hang all over guys all night?" I ask dumbfounded. "Baby that shit kills me. Thinking of another guy touching you like this" I trail off, shaking my head. "I hate it."

She looks up at me and reaches forward to place her hand on my cheek. "I don't want to keep running" she admits making my heart swell as I tighten my grip on her waist.

"I'll still be here waiting if you do" I murmur, leaning down to kiss the top of her head and enjoying this perfect moment while it lasts. 

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