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Maya's POV

"Riles what's the point?" I ask as I watch Lily sitting on the floor playing with the blocks that Riley and I had gotten her for a St.Nick gift.

"What do you mean?" she exclaims. "Going to see Santa is one of my favorite memories from my childhood."

"Well for me it's one of the worst. I cried hysterically when my mom and dad brought me. They didn't even get a picture because I wouldn't sit still long enough for them to take it."

"Don't you think Lily should be able to make her own choice. We can take her to the mall and let her decide" Riley suggests. I gnaw my bottom lip, looking down at my daughter unsure.

"What if it like scars her for life?" I argue making her chuckle as she shakes her head.

"Some say that her having two moms is going to scar her for the rest of her life" she reminds me, "but we still adopted her. It's Santa Claus. It'll be fine. Can we just take her? Please" she begs. I sigh as I look into her dark brown, pleading eyes.

"Fine" I concede, "but if she starts crying we leave" I add. She nods in agreement, a victorious smirk pulling at her lips.

"Yay" she smiles brightly. "We'll go tomorrow."

~ ⛄🎄❄ ~

"Pretty" Lily smiles brightly as she points at the lights strung up across the celing of the mall.

"Very pretty" I reply, gazing lovingly at Riley causing a blush to rise on her cheeks. I slip my hand into hers as I continue to push thr stroller with the other as we stroll around the mall.

"So uh Lily" Riley starts, "is there anyone you wanna see today?" she asks curiously.

"Uncle Lucas" she exclaims making me chuckle.

"Lily that's not what I was-."

"Hey ladies" a deep, southern voice drawls. I look up and lock eyes with Huckleberry who was walking towards us with his fiancée Carly's hand in his.

"Lucas" I smile brightly. "What are you doing here?"

"Christmas shopping" he replies as Carly holds up a bag from Macy's. "What about you three?" he asks as his gaze drops to Lily. "Hey kiddo" he smiles as he kneels down in front of her.

"We're taking her to see S-a-n-t-a" Riley spells.

"Santa" Lily exclaims making Lucas laugh as he looks up at Riley.

"Looks like she's a tad too smart for ya Riles" he teases as he stands back up.

"I guess so" Riley laughs. "We should probably get going though if we wanna make it before he heads back to the North Pole for the night" she says making Lucas chuckle as he nods in understanding.

"Well have fun" he smiles. "I'll see you girls at Christmas" he adds. We nod before we all exchange hugs and he walks off.

"So?" I ask Lily as I move around to the front of the stroller. "You wanna go see Santa?"

"Yea" she claps. "Santa" she exclaims making me smile as I look up to Riley.

"I told you so" she mouths making me roll my eyes playfully as I move back to the other side of the stroller.

"Let's go" I smile as I take Riley's hand in mine once again while we head off to see Santa.

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