The Bachelor(ette)

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Riley's POV

"Oh my gosh" Vanessa exclaims, seemingly coming up with a grand idea. I continue to sip on my white wine only paying attention when it interests me. Tomorrow was a big day for Vanessa, tomorrow she would be marrying Zay and while I was absolutely thrilled that Zay was finally tying the knot I couldn't stand Vanessa and all her opinions about me and Maya both still being single. She had spent her entire engagement trying to set the both of us up with eligible bachelors...not that I was interested in any bachelors. "You should sign up for The Bachelor" she squeals. My eyes widen as I look over to the blonde beauty, nervously laughing at Vanessa. 

A little over a month ago both me and Maya had been venting about Vanessa's pushiness and somehow it had ended in us hooking up. Since then we had kissed a few more times and while I was ready to admit that I was most definitely solely attracted to women, Maya was struggling a bit. "I-I don't know" she stutters. 

"It's not a horrible idea" Smackle interjects, playing with her wedding band. "They say that people make genuine connections on the show nowadays."

"Exactly" Vanessa shouts. "Come on Maya! I'll help you with your audition tape."

"I just don't think that I'm the kind of person that could fall in love on TV" she argues, trying to let Vanessa down easily while my heart is ready to burst out of my chest. 

"Oh come on" she whines. "You need to find someone so that you can have what me and Zay have" she adds, squeezing Maya's hand. "Don't you want to live happily ever after?" Maya glances over at me after the question is presented and I feel as if all the air has been sucked out of the room. I never pictured that I could come out in the middle of a bar, professing my love to my best friend to keep her from auditioning to be on some dating show. 

"You act like she's a thousand years old" I cut in, finding my voice somehow. I walk towards them and take a seat beside Maya. "You have plenty of time to find someone else. We're only twenty-four."

"But don't you want kids?" Smackle interjects. "You can't argue that the option will always be there because as you get older-."

"We get it Smackle" I snap. One of the hardest parts about coming to terms with my feelings for Maya was the realization that having kids would be no walk in the park but I was willing to deal with the hardships if it meant that I got to be with her. 

"Sorry" she apologizes. "Is there something bothering you?" she asks, furrowing her eyebrows at me and I exhale a deep breath.

"I'm seeing someone" I blurt out and Maya goes rigid beside me. "And she's lovely" I add causing Vanessa's lips to part in shock while Smackle's lips quirk into a knowing smirk. Maya's body relaxes against mine and I offer her a soft smile, hoping to convey that I would never, ever out her...even if it would make all of this so much easier. 

"I knew it" she states proudly. "Who is she? Do we know her?"

"She's a friend who just recently became more" I explain simply. "And she's not ready to come out so, I'm keeping her a secret for now" I add, glancing up at Maya. "But I will tell you all about her soon."

"Fine" Vanessa concedes. "You're off the hook but" she begins again, looking up at Maya, "I still think you should audition for the show. You're gorgeous and artistic and you have the whole family angle" she trails off while I roll my eyes. 

"Vanessa I just really think it's a bad idea" Maya says carefully. "But I appreciate the thought." 

Vanessa huffs, grabbing her drink and taking a long swig while Maya turns towards me and ducks her lips down to my ear. "Wanna get out of here?"

I nod and she smirks before turning back to the group and letting out an exaggerated yawn. "My gosh girls I am exhausted. I think I'm gonna head home. Riles?" she asks, raising an eyebrow at me. I had ridden here with her so it only made sense that I ride back. 

"Yea" I nod, standing up. "Goodnight" I smile, following Maya out of the bar but we only get as far as her car before her lips are crashing onto mine and she's pushing me against the hood. 

"If I hear about The Bachelor ever again I will seriously have a mental breakdown" she breathes out, kissing me harder and I chuckle, slipping my hands under her shirt. 

"So, Bachelorette then?" I ask teasingly and she groans, digging for her keys and unlocking the car. We break apart and climb into the backseat, knowing we'd never make it all the way home without tearing each other's clothes off. 

Her lips come back over mine while her hands bunch my dress up around my waist and I can't help the small moans that escape my lips, feeling her hands on my skin. "For the record, I don't need a dating show" she murmurs, playing with the elastic of my panties. "I found my girl already."

"Yea? You think you can tell our friends that?" She laughs, tugging my panties down my legs. 

"Honey they knew the second you told them you had a girlfriend but yes, I'll shout it from the rooftops at the wedding tomorrow if you'd like."

"I would actually really like that" I admit making her chuckle as she maneuvers herself between my legs. 

"Good, but for now, I'd actually really like to do this" she smirks, sending me off into pure bliss.  

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