Coming Home

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Part Three of The End?

"You know, it's incredibly rude to leave the bed without letting me know" Maya murmurs, kissing my neck as she comes up behind me. I lean back into her embrace, angling my neck at an angle that gives the blonde beauty better access to my skin.

It had been a handful of months since me and Maya started screwing around and only a singular month since I finally gave into the title of 'girlfriend.' Now, we were heading home for summer break today and I was finally planning to come out to my family. Sure, Josh knew because of his friendship with Maya but that was as far as it went when it came to my family knowing about my sexual orientation.

"Sorry" I hum, closing my eyes. "I couldn't sleep and didn't want to wake you."

"You're lucky I love you" she murmurs and my heart swells as I turn in her embrace and press my lips against hers. It reminds me of the first time I had finally given in and let her kiss me. I was nervous as hell but my god, it was so worth the wait.

"Ah" I yelp, falling to the ground in the middle of the ice rink. Maya laughs, kneeling down to get onto my level.

"You said I could let go" she says, shaking her head at me in amusement. Obviously I had tried and failed to impress her with my ice skating prowess. Now, I was sitting on the cold ice, my ass getting wet as the ice melts under the heat of my skin. "Come on, let me help you up." She holds out her hand and I take it in mine, ignoring the sparks that always accompanied the feeling of her skin against mine. She pulls up and while the idea is good in theory-.

"Riley" she shrieks, losing her balance and falling right on top of me. I giggle, pushing the blonde hair out of her stunning face. She rests her head on her folded hands and smiles at me. "We're in everyone's way" she points out, looking around the rink at the ignored patrons surrounding us.

"I really could care less" I reply, caressing her cheek and bringing her gaze back to mine. Her eyes flicker down to my lips for what was probably the millionth time in our relationship but this time I'm not scared of the look in her eyes...I'm excited by it. "Kiss me" I whisper softly and her eyes widen in surprise but her lips waste no time in pressing against mine and suddenly the ice rink fades away in my mind and all that's left is me and Maya.

"I love you too" I reply, pecking her lips again. My phone rings loudly on the counter beside us and I sigh, glancing down at the text from my mother. She was wondering just when we'd be getting on the road. My parents were shocked when I told them that I would be bringing my 'friend' home for a few days but they knew Maya so they were fine with it in the end.

Maya was from the heart of New York while my family hailed from Philly and I was thrilled that she had agreed to stop and stay at my childhood home for a few days before she headed all the way home herself.

She insisted that being there for my coming out was important to her and I wasn't one to argue. "You having second thoughts yet?" she asks but I shake my head. I was tired of hiding who I was and who I loved. Maya was the love of my life...which was why I had bought a shiny diamond ring that was currently living in my dresser. I didn't know when exactly the ring would end up on her finger but I knew that someday the moment would just hit me and I wanted to be prepared. Even if that made me a crazy over-planner.

"Nope" I pop the p and lean back in for one last kiss. "Now stop stalling me and get your cute ass in the shower so we can get the hell out of here."

"Fine" she concedes, releasing a deep sigh. "But I expect to have you all to myself at some point tonight" she adds before walking to our bathroom to get ready.

Thunder & Lightning: A Collection of Rilaya One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now