The Perfect Valentine's Day

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Riley's POV

"You are the best friend ever" I exclaim as I throw my arms around Farkle in delight making him chuckle as he hugs me back.

"Yea yea" he replies laughing, "think of it as your reward for finally making Maya your girlfriend" he adds as we pull apart.

"Did everyone know we were going to end up together?" I laugh as he shrugs.

"Pretty much" he smirks as the front door of my apartment opens to reveal my gorgeous blonde girlfriend. Maya and I were just out of college and were in our first year of dating, this was our first Valentine's Day together and I wanted it to be perfect.

"Farkle what are you doing here?" she asks curiously as she places her keys and her purse on the counter, closing the front door behind her.

"Oh nothing" he smiles as he kisses my cheek. "Have an amazing evening ladies" he adds as he lets himself out of the apartment leaving Maya and I alone.

"What was that all about?" Maya asks curiously as she takes a few steps towards me.

"Guess you'll have to wait and see" I smile as I wrap my arms around her waist, pulling her body against mine.

"You're always such a romantic" she teases as she wraps her arms around my neck. "I love it" she adds as she leans in to kiss me.

"Good" I smile as we pull apart. "Now go get ready, we have an amazing night ahead of us."


"Riles this like the fanciest restaurant in the state, how?" Maya trails off as she looks up at the restaurant making a smile pull at my lips.

"I have connections" I smirk as I take her hand in mine, leading her into the restaurant.

"Farkle" Maya laughs as she squeezes my hand, following me up to the hostess stand where there is a woman talking quickly with a raised voice into the telephone. I exchange an awkward look with Maya earning a giggle from my girlfriend as the woman hangs up the phone, turning a polite smile on us.

"Hello and Chez Min" short for Chez Minkus. The shortened name sounded classier and it kept Farkle from being bombarded from phone calls from our high school classmates begging for a table. "Name?" she asks politely as she looks between the two of us.

"Riley Matthews" I say with a smile as the hostess looks through the reservations list.

"Your reservation was called in by Mr. Minkus this morning but it appears he has you down for a table on the twenty-fourth not the fourteenth" she says apologetically.

"What?" I ask as my eyes widen. "No no Farkle called it in this morning. For tonight" I assure her but she shakes her head.

"I'm sorry Ms. Matthews" the woman says as Maya squeezes my hand reassuringly. "Have a lovely Valentine's Day" she adds as she ushers Maya and I towards the door.

"I can't believe this" I sigh as we walk back out into the brisk February evening air.

"It's not a big deal" Maya shrugs as we stroll down the sidewalk hand in hand.

"I ruined Valentine's Day" I reply sadly. "Our first Valentine's Day and I'm already screwing everything up."

"You didn't screw anything up. In reality this is all Farkle's fault" she points out with a smile. "You tried and the thought is what counts. Sure a dinner at the fanciest restaurant in town would have been amazing but so is a night on our couch eating takeout" she adds as she tugs on my arms, pulling me to a stop in front of her. "Because when you're in love nothing else matters more than just being with that person" she adds making my heart stop as I look up at her in shock.

"You love me?" I ask as a smile pulls at my lips.

"I love you Riley" she assures me as she takes a step towards me.

"I love you too" I reply making a smile appear on her face before her lips land on mine. "Wanna go home and eat Chinese food and watch Disney movies?" I ask happily as we pull apart.

"I'd love nothing more."

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