When the Clock Strikes Ten

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*Inspired By: One Thing by One Direction*


Riley's POV

"I've tried playing it cool but when I'm looking at you I can't ever be brave"

"It's just Spring Fling Riles. Just ask her" Lucas says as I lean up against the locker beside his. Lucas and I had broken up a little over a year ago and since then he's made it his mission to get me to ask out Maya. I couldn't blame him really when the whole reason for our breakup was because of my feelings for the petite blonde.

"I can't" I sigh as I run my fingers through my hair. "I'm not brave enough to do that."

"She's just Maya. You've been friends with her since you were seven. Talking to her is as easy as breathing for you. Just go up to her and ask her" he insists as I shake my head.

"You don't get it. This isn't about talking to her, I can talk to her all day. Asking her out, that's another story. I don't even know if she really feels that way about me" I add as I start to chew my bottom lip nervously.

"You'll never know if you don't ask" he says seriously making me shoot him an annoyed look. I hated to admit it but he was right. I just didn't think I'd be able to take it if she turned me down, told me she was uninterested. I was sure that would kill me.

"Hey Riles" Maya says sweetly as she comes up to me and Lucas. "You ready to go to class?" she asks curiously.

"Um" I stutter, suddenly nervous around the one person who never made me nervous.

"You okay honey?" she asks worriedly as she places her hand on my arm.

"She's fine" Lucas says quickly. "Come on Riles" he smiles as his hand finds my back, pushing me forward.

Well that was a disaster.

"Get out get out get out of my head and fall into my arms instead"

It's the day of the dance and of course I never worked up the courage to ask Maya to the dance. Lucas had agreed to take me and I was more than grateful.

"You know I think we should make tonight a little more fun" Lucas smiles as he leads me into the gym.

"Oh yea? How?" I ask curiously as I look up at him.

"I'm pulling a Farkle" he smirks. "You have till the end of the dance to tell Maya how you feel. If you don't, well this horn blows at ten" he adds making my heart stop.

"You wouldn't" I say quickly but he simply shrugs before kissing my cheek and walking off. My heart was beating out of my chest as I watch after him, jumping out of my skin when I felt a tap on my shoulder.

"Maya" I exclaim as I turn to find my best friend, wearing a tight red dress that accented her blonde hair gorgeously.

"Hey Riles. You okay?" she asks worriedly. I suddenly get lost in my thoughts of her and I at every school dace throughout our lives, realizing I've never once danced with her, even in a cute friendly way.

"I'm fine. Dance with me" I add with a smile as she nods, taking my hand in hers. We make our way to the dance floor, dancing like how Lucas and I danced in middle school.

"This is silly" Maya laughs as she suddenly pulls me closer, "much better" she smiles as we move to the music. "Riles what's going on with you?" she asks confused as she looks at me sweetly, her blue eyes locking onto my brown ones.

I needed to get out of my head, Lucas was going to tell her tonight anyway if I didn't just admit it. What did I have to lose?

"I'm in love with you" I say softly as we suddenly stop moving, her eyes wide and her grip on me tightening.

"Finally" she sighs as she stares at me lovingly.

"What?" I ask confused by her reaction.

"I told Lucas a few weeks ago that I thought I was falling in love with you and that maybe you felt the same way. He said to talk to you" she smiles as I shoot my eyes over to Lucas who's smiling brightly as he watches us.

"I can't believe he didn't tell me. I was freaking out about asking you to this thing" I admit with a soft laugh.

"I would've said yes" she smiles as he pulls my lips to hers. The kiss is soft and quick but it's better than any other kiss I've ever had. When we pull apart our smiles are seemingly glued to our faces as we spend the rest of the night dancing in each other's arms.

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