A Scary Place

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Sequel to The End?

Riley's POV

The weeks following my uncle's graduation feel different. It wasn't that I had never been attracted to a girl before; I'd had my fair share of hook-ups in the past but this wasn't like any other attraction I had felt before. With most girls I was just happy to have a fleeting moment with them and then return to my life like it never happened but something about Maya made me want more than just a fleeting moment.

I was back home now from my first semester of school and I was beginning to feel as if I were suffocating. At school everyone knew that I liked girls so it was never a big deal but here, my parents not only knew nothing of my sexuality but they thought I had a serious boyfriend named Charlie who I had admittedly made up.

My phone had been resting beside me for a while now begging to be picked up and used but I couldn't move. If I reached out to Josh for her number then I would have to tell him everything in the process.

Slowly, I pick up my phone with shaky hands and compose a simple text asking him for Maya's number. I don't add any detail, hoping he won't ask questions and I send it.

It takes roughly fourty-five seconds before he responds, sending her number with a winky face beside it and I roll my eyes. Perhaps Maya had told him that she gave me permission to reach out but then again she didn't seem to be the type of person that would out someone.

I send him a quick thanks before dialing the blonde's number and lifting my phone to my ear. It takes about six rings before she finally picks up and her melodious voice comes across the line. "Hello?" she asks quizzically.

"Um hi. Is this Maya?"

She laughs. "Um yes. Who is this?"

"Riley" I state simply, biting into my lip. What if she didn't remember me? What if she had just been being nice to her best friend's niece? What if this was all in my head?

"Riley. Josh's niece. I was hoping I'd hear from you" she says, dashing all my worries away. "What's up?"

I pause. I didn't know what was up but I couldn't stop thinking about her. I needed to see her. "Are you busy?"

She laughs again. She has an infectious laugh, one that could make anyone smile. "I'm actually at your uncle's place but I could be persuaded to leave."

I take my time to think this over. This could potentially be the tip of the iceberg. If things escalated from here then I would have to come out eventually; Maya didn't appear to be the type that enjoys living in closets.

"Have you ever heard of Topanga's?"

"Mhm. Meet you there in fifteen?" she asks boldly and with a deep breath I nod my head and confirm plans before hanging up. I was really doing this. I was going to see her again.


I walk into Topanga's and she's already sitting at a high-top table in the corner. She had her blonde hair in a loose ponytail and she's wearing a pair of white shorts and a rainbow tie-dyed tank top. I take a deep breath as I walk towards her. "Maya."

Her head whips around and her face lights up with a bright smile. "Riley. Hey" she says simply and a blush rises on my cheeks as I hop up onto the chair across from her. I fold my hands in front of me and she giggles, placing her hands over mine. My eyes widen at her bold move. "Relax" she says sweetly, releasing my hands. "We're just a couple of girls hanging out" she says simply, looking around the cafe.

I follow her gaze and I notice that she was right. To everyone around us we were just a couple of girls hanging out; not one out and proud lesbian and a terrified, closeted one. "I'm sorry I interrupted your afternoon" I reply awkwardly and she laughs, waving me off.

"Honey it's fine. Your uncle didn't mind" she assures me. "But while we're on the subject, I didn't say anything to him" she says, reading my mind of the thoughts I had earlier. "I told him I thought you were cute but that was all"she assures me. I note the compliment but I don't swell on it. "He did tell me that he had his suspicions though."

I look up at her in shock. "Suspicions?"

"Mhm" she hums, sitting back in her chair. "Apparently he uh knows Charlotte."

Oh. My. God. This wasn't happening. How could I have possibly hooked-up with someone that knew my uncle. NYU was huge; what were the odds that the girl that I had ended up in bed with was actually someone that knew my uncle personally. I had literally outed myself and I didn't even realize it.

"Great" I grumble, toying with the utensils set out in front of us. She shrugs.

"It isn't all bad. He doesn't care. He loves you unconditionally and I'm sure your family-."

"They can't know" I interrupt her. "Everything will change" I add softly, averting my eyes from her gorgeous blue ones. She sighs, reaching forward and taking my hands in hers again.

"You're not wrong but what you don't know is how they'll change. There are times when families suck and they're unsupportive assholes but there are other times when families become your greatest source of strength. Either way, you have to decide how long you're willing to hide yourself, because the closet can be a dark and scary place."

She was making a lot of sense but I still wasn't convinced. My closet was safe. "The world is scary too" I reply weakly. She nods in agreement.

"The world sucks but the nice part about being out is that you have people to lean on. You don't have to face it alone."

"So, you're saying I should come out" I ask, raising an eyebrow at her and she smiles.

"I think when you're ready that you definitely should and when you are ready I think we do this again but as a date because I sorta kinda have a huge crush on you" she admits and I laugh. It made no sense why this gorgeous girl who seemingly had it all together would want to be with a mess like me.

"Are you willing to wait a while?" I ask hopefully and she nods, squeezing my hand.

"I'm happy just to be here for you" she replies sweetly. "No rush. I promise, I'm not going anywhere."

A/N: Alright so it may be a one shot trilogy...

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