An Awkward Google Search

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There are things in the world that I understand. Like, fractions, how the sun shines during the day and the love I feel for Maya Penelope Hunter.

Then, there are things that make my head hurt when I think about them too hard to show Maya I love her.

It was no secret that she was obviously ready to take the next step but the problem was, I didn't know what the next step was.

In school we're taught how to make a baby. We learn the anatomy and physiology of the reproductive system...for the purpose of someday reproducing.

But women can't reproduce on our own. Sex is a form of expression, another way to show how deeply we care.

And I had no idea how it was supposed to work.

Of course, I could ask my parents but that'll just result in the most awkward conversation of all time.

Then, there's the option of just telling Maya my worries but then she'll look at me in that sweet way where I can tell she's in awe of my innocence and I don't want that. I want her to see me as someone sexy, someone worthy of being bedded by her.

I groan internally. Did I really just say bedded like a damn Shakespearean novel?

So, that leads me to the worst possible idea I could've come up with.

Searching the internet. And shockingly, typing lesbian sex into Google results in some interesting things.

My eyes trail across the screen at my options, images, videos, shopping. Yep. We'd skip that for now.

I honestly don't know what the best option is and I'm starting to think that Google Scholar might've been a better choice. Informational text without so much graphic detail.

I decide then that this probably wasn't a good idea and move my fingers across the mousepad only for my hand to slip and open a video...and the noises that accompany it. My eyes widen as I scramble to exit out of it but of course, the world hates me.

"Riles." My eyes snap up to meet those of my girlfriend. I stare at her, my mouth agape as I quickly slam my laptop shut, clearing my throat awkwardly as I jump off my bed.

"Hey babe. Y-you're early."

She chuckles, holding up her phone and lighting up the lock screen so that the time is displayed. "I'm actually late" she points out and my eyes widen. How long had I spent on Google? "What were you watching?" She asks, pocketing her phone after her point has been made.

"Uh. Nothing?"

She brushes past me and sits atop my bed. "It didn't sound like nothing" she replies, pushing the lid of my laptop back up. Her eyes widen at the sight of the two women in bed together. "You know, I never really pegged you as a porn enthusiast."

I groan, throwing myself onto the bed. "I am most certainly not. I was just...curious."


"All of it?" I reply, biting into my bottom lip as I stare up at her. "I'm so clueless and that's honestly the last thing I wanted to admit to you."

"Me? Why?" She asks, closing the laptop and scooting closer. "I'm the first person you should admit that to. Riles" she sighs, placing her hand on mine. "We can't take the next step if we're not one hundred percent honest and open. Okay?"

I nod, feeling ridiculous for ever thinking that my innocence could be a turn off for her. "So, what do you want to know?" She asks and for the first time all day I don't feel a bit of awkwardness.

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