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Maya's POV

I'm sitting on Riley's bed working on homework when her phone rings. She looks down at the caller ID and sighs as she answers it.

"Hey Lucas" she says unenthusiastically. "No I don't really feel like going out" she replies to whatever question he asked. "Yes I'm hanging out with Maya" she adds, seemingly growing more and more annoyed. "Whatever" she says finally before throwing her phone back onto the bed.

She goes back to her homework without saying a word to me. I look at her concerned. It sounded like her and Lucas were fighting, but they never fought.

"Hey honey. Everything okay?" I ask worriedly.

"Hm? What?" she asks as she looks up at me. "Oh yea" she says, realizing I was referring to her apparent fight with Lucas. "I'm fine" she assures me.

"You sure? Because it sounded like you and Lucas were fighting."

"He wanted to go to the movies and I didn't want to" she shrugs.

"Why not?" I ask confused. "Movies are like a Rucas thing aren't they?"

"I guess" she shrugs. "But I'd rather hang out here with you" she adds honestly.

I smile as I nod in agreement. "So would I" I reply as I close my textbook. "Wanna watch a movie? I'll even let you put in something Disney" I add making her laugh.

"Sounds perfect" she replies as she hops off her bed and walks over to her movie shelf. She pulls Tangled off the shelf and pops it in the Blu-Ray player before taking her seat back beside me.

"Why is this one your favorite?" I ask curiously as I settle back into her bed, letting my head rest on her shoulder.

"Because" she smiles. "Blondes are the best obviously" she adds making me laugh.

"Honey she's not naturally blonde" I point out.

"And you are?" she teases making my mouth drop open as I look up at her.

"Hey" I exclaim. "I am naturally blonde."

"Mhm sure" she teases.

"I am" I shout as I grab her pillow and hit her with it.

"Hey" she exclaims as she grabs her other pillow and hits me with it, causing us to get into a pillow fight that results in Riley falling off the bed. I drop my pillow and scurry to check on her.

"Oh my god Riles are you okay?" I ask as I hold her head in my hand. "Did you hit your head?"

"No" she shakes her head as she stares up at me. I hold her stare for a few seconds before suddenly she reaches up and presses her lips to mine, taking me by surprise.

I don't kiss her back at first, the feeling of kissing my best friend shocking me into a frozen state. But I can't ignore how right it feels so finally I move my lips against hers until finally we grow breathless and have to pull apart.

"Is this why you're fighting with Lucas?" I ask curiously as I stare down at her.

"Maybe" she replies making me chuckle as I tuck a strand of hair behind her ear.

"So Tangled is your favorite because it reminds you of me?" I ask smiling.

"My Rapunzel."  

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