Teasing and Pleasing

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💗 Happy Valentine's Day 💗

~ ❤❣❤ ~

Maya's POV

Valentine's Day is always one of my favorite days of the year because it's one of the only days that I'm able to get away with surprising my wife.

Since we adopted Lily our life has been amazing but our sex life has been horrible which makes today perfect because my mom was all too excited to watch Lily tonight so that Riley and I could have some alone time.

I'm in our bedroom, lying on the bed wearing nothing but a red, lace push-up bra, a matching thong, and fishnet stockings on my legs while my blonde hair fell in waves around my shoulders.

"Hey babe. Sorry I'm l-." Riley's words are cut off when she sees me and her eyes widen in shock.

"Finally" I exclaim. "I thought I was going to die in my lingerie" I tease as a blush rises on her cheeks.

"What are you doing?" she asks, her voice soft and uncontrolled.

"Surprising my wife on Valentine's Day" I smirk. "Care to join me?"

She seems to move of her own accors across the floor but I put my hand up to stop her. "Nope. No clothes allowed" I smirk.

She rolls her eyes, unbuttoning her blouse before tossing it onto the floor leaving her in a simple dark black bra that her large breasts spill out of. She reaches behind herself and unzips her skirt, allowing it to pool around her feet causing my mouth to go dry as she stands before me wearing nothing but her bra and panties.

She climbs onto the bed, immediately moving to straddle my lap and I gasp as she takes my face between her hands and gives me a deep, passionate kiss.

It takes everything in me to pull back but I want this to last a bit. It's been so long that I want to savor this moment not just get it over with. "Lie back sweetie" I say softly as we pull apart and I suck my bottom lip into my mouth.

She obliges, getting onto her back and instinctively spreading her legs. I smirk, climbing over her and pressing my lips to her neck. She sighs, raising her hips to try and increase the pressure between us but I shake my head as I use my hands to hold her against the mattress. "Stay still baby."

"Maya" she groans in frustration.

"Shhh. Patience" I whisper, trailing my lips between her breasts, pushing down her bra and exposing her to me.

"Maya" she whines, pounding her hand against the bed. "Stop."

"Stop what?" I ask, looking up at her innocently as I reach my hand between us and begin teasing her through her panties.

"Fuck" she murmurs. "Stop teasing me" she begs as she grinds down onto my hand.

"You want me baby?"

"God yes" she nods helplessly.

"Alright" I concede as I pull down her panties and slide down to get between her legs.

~ ❤❣❤ ~

"We can never go that long without-without-well you know" Riley blushes. I laugh, shaking my head at my wife in amusement.

She would do dirty things to me but she could never speak of them. She always got adorably flustered.

"Without having sex" I chuckle. "I would have to agree babe. That was incredible."

"It was" she agrees. "Though I didn't really enjoy the teasing" she adds pointedly.

"I'm sorry baby" I apologize, rolling over onto my side to look at her. "I just wanted to make you feel good" I add innocently making a blush rise on her cheeks.

"Well you've never had a problem with that" she says matter of factly.

"Good to know" I smirk, trailing my hand dangerously close to her center. "And I bet I could do it again. "

"I wouldn't bet against you" she replies breathlessly as I dip my hand between her thighs.

"I love you" I murmur, kissing the soft spot below her ear.

"I love you more" she gasps, arching her back off the bed.

~ ❤❣❤ ~

"Well you've successfully tired me out" Riley chuckles while we lie in bed together tangled in sheets.

"I'll take that as a compliment" I reply, kissing the top of her head. "Did you enjoy your Valentine's Day?"

"Of course I did" she nods. "But then again every day with you is perfect" she adds seriously.

"You're such a sap" I tease.

"Mm" she hums. "I think that's why you fell in love with me."

I chuckle, nodding my head. "One of many sweetheart" I agree. "I love you."

"I love you too" she agrees, lifting her head off the bed and bringing her lips back up to meet mine.

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