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Maya's POV

"Hunter" Drake shouts across the chaos of the emergency room. I hated working in the emergency department but there was a huge trauma that had just come in and they needed all hands on deck. "There's a girl in bed four that needs her forehead stitched up."

"Alright" I nod, grabbing my chart and heading back to take care of the girl.

The girl's name was apparently Riley Matthews and she was about the same age as me. I pull back the curtain and my breath hitches in my throat. She was beautiful even with a huge gash on her forehead.

She was brunette with soft brown eyes but she looked nervous. I knew that look. She obviously was not a fan of hospitals. "Hello. I'm Dr. Hunter. It's nice to meet you Miss Matthews."

"Just Riley" she argues. "Has Lucas Friar come in? He was driving the car" she explains frantically.

I put down my chart and move towards the sink to wash my hands. "Um I'm not sure but I'll work on getting you an update" I assure her. Of course she had a boyfriend. She was way too attractive to be single.

"Thank you" she says gratefully while I'm drying my hands. "Am I gonna be alright?" she asks worriedly while I put gloves onto my hands.

I smile, grabbing some alcohol and a cotton ball. "You'll be fine but I am going to have to stitch you up. I can get you a local anesthetic or I can just do it. Which would you prefer?"

"Can you just do it? I really" she swallows harshly. "I really hate hospitals."

"Okay" I smile softly, taking a seat on a stool in front of her. "I find that sometimes talking helps. Where were you and your boyfriend going?" I ask curiously as I grab the supplies I needed.

"Boyfriend?" she questions in confusion causing her forehead to crease.

"Oh uh try not to do that" I instruct, reaching out to smooth out her forehead.

Our eyes lock and I have to break our gaze before I do something stupid. Besides she was my patient right now and I needed to get her stitched up.

"Sorry" she apologizes. "But uh he's not my boyfriend. He's one of my best friends. My study buddy. We were heading to the library when the truck ran the red light" she explains as I rub alcohol over the cut causing her to wince before I position the needle.

"Oh yea. Big test coming up?" I ask before beginning to count down.

"Mhm" she hums as I reach one and start stitching her up. She winces with every movement I make and I feel horrible that I have to cause this beautiful girl any pain.

"Oh my gosh" she yelps, reaching out to clutch the hospital bed.

"Just hold on" I instruct. "So, you aren't dating Lucas so does that mean you're single?"

"For now" she shrugs. "It's actually been sorta difficult for me to find someone."

"I doubt that. Pretty girl like you" I compliment.

"Well perhaps you should take me out then" she says decisively causing me to gasp and almost screw up her stitches.

"Um hold that thought" I instruct as I finish her up. I put some antibiotic cream over the stitches before placing a bandage over it. "Come back in about three weeks to get those removed and put some sort of antibiotic cream over it for at least a week."

"Three weeks?" she questions. "That a no to the date or an invitation?"

I blush, bringing my bottom lip between my teeth. "How about this? We go out before the three weeks and I direct you towards the best doctor that's not me" I add making her chuckle as she nods her head.

"I think that sounds perfect."

"Riley" a blonde boy exclaims as he rushes in and throws his arms around his friend. "Jesus I'm so sorry."

"It's not your fault" she assures him. "And we're both fine so relax" she insists. 'Thank you doctor. For everything" she smirks before hopping down off the table.

"Anytime" I reply. "Don't forget to make your follow-up and good luck on that test" I add. She nods before turning and following after Lucas.

"Hunter you done?" Drake asks immediately once I pull back the curtain.


"Good. Bed eleven" he instructs. I nod, heading off to take care of more patients while thoughts of the brunette dance across my mind.

Perhaps working in the emergency department wasn't so bad.

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