Breakfast Woes

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Maya's POV

Making breakfast for my wife was one of the simple pleasures that I had in this lifetime. She wasn't one to wake up before me so I would take that to my advantage, slipping out of bed and heading for the kitchen where I would prepare all her favorites which included French toast with extra cinnamon and Nutella toast. I would insist that it was too much bread but she would argue that one was toasted and the other was prepared on the stove so they were totally different. It was one of her things and it only made me love her more.

I plate her food, grabbing a couple strawberries and dipping those in Nutella as well before placing them atop of the French toast and head down the hall to present her with her breakfast. "Riley." I whisper her name and she stirs in her sleep, opening her chocolate brown eyes to look up at me. "Morning beautiful."

She hums, sitting up slowly and looking at the spread in front of her. "Peaches, you spoil me" she comments, grabbing the food and placing it on her lap. She grabs a fork as I sit across from her and she takes a bite, humming in delight. "I love you" she mutters and I tease her, asking her if she's talking to the food or me. She shoots me a smile that makes my heart double in size and I know my answer. "Where's your food?" she asks, taking another bite. I shrug.

"I'm not that hungry." I wasn't a breakfast person. Most mornings I had no more than a granola bar for breakfast when I was growing up so I just never really had an appetite for the meal. But my wife enjoyed it immensely.

"Here." She holds out a strawberry to me and I know that there's no arguing with her so, I take it and bite into it. I don't fail to notice that my wife hasn't touched her food since I bit into the fruit, her eyes mesmerized by my lips and my tongue as it darts out to lick the chocolate off my lips.

"See something you like?" I tease. Lately, she'd been like this. Undressing me with her eyes and spending every waking moment in this bed if she was able to. I wasn't complaining but it was unlike her. Usually she was a couple times a week kind of gal, not a couple times a day.

She blushes, returning to her breakfast and I chuckle, standing up and insisting that I go and finish cleaning up the kitchen. She nods in understanding and I head out of the room...only to be drawn back by the sound of her pounding feet on the carpet.

She was running. "Riley?" I follow after her and watch as she rushes to the bathroom and loses the breakfast I just made her. My eyebrows furrow in confusion but I don't dwell on it too long, diving onto the floor to hold her hair back. "I'm here" I mutter, rubbing soothing circles over her back. I feel back suddenly because it must've been my breakfast that's done this to her. I gave my wife food poisoning. "I'm sorry baby."

She groans, lifting her head to look at me. "You should be." That certainly takes me by surprise. My eyes narrow at her but the seriousness to her tone evaporates after the next words leave her lips, "You were the one who convinced me I'd make a cuter pregnant lady." My heart falls out of my chest.

It had been months of failed IVF, and I mean months. Endless doctor's visits and endless, tearful fights where we argued about giving up and adopting instead. When we started this last round, marking a year of trying, we swore that this was it. If this didn't take then we were done trying to have kids of our own.


"Peaches" she replies and I can't help myself. I pull her towards me, my goal clear but Riley's arms are quick to press against my chest, holding me at bay.

"You're not kissing me right now" she giggles. "I need to brush my teeth. And then, we'll celebrate."


She smirks, kissing my cheek before standing up and heading for the sink. "Wait for me in our bed and you'll find out." I don't hesitate to stand up and dash out of the room, my wife's laughter filling my heart with joy as I climb into bed. 

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